The Three

The three bowed towards Cain, showing their allegiance. He was the origin, making him the one in control of the three of them, however they were still their own people and had their own thoughts. Cain was confused though, he had heard 99 voices, and yet only three people appeared.

"Shouldn't there be 99 of you?"

"We are the only ones who survived the process. Our other lives were too weak, and their wills were shattered completely"

The king said.

Cain found these three extremely familiar, but blurry at the same time. He only just noticed that his memories of his past/future lives had already mostly disappeared. It was like a dream, once you woke up you remembered it clearly, but as the day passed it became more and more blurry. He looked towards the three figures standing in front of him and wasn't sure what to say.

"What exactly can you three do?"

"We are extensions of you! You can become us, and we can become you!"

The angelic looking boy spoke, as he finished saying what he had to say, his body turned blurry for a second before clearing up. He was no longer the angelic boy, and was instead an exact replica of Cain. Cain was shocked seeing this transformation, and quickly tried to attempt it himself. He thought of the king and he felt his body morph, his body increased in size becoming three times as big, and he felt power flowing through his veins. He quickly opened his stats and was stunned.

Strength: 748

Speed: 1

Vitality: 1

Genes:[Time Skip : Level - 5/50][Samsara]

Time Realm Understanding = Sight

All his stats had went directly into strength. He then imagined himself as the thief. This time he felt his body become a lot lighter, like he was a feather.

Strength: 1

Speed: 748

Vitality: 1

Genes:[Time Skip : Level - 5/50][Samsara]

Time Realm Understanding = Sight

Finally, he imagined himself as the angelic boy, and felt his body become far stronger, like it was made from the finest jewel.

Strength: 1

Speed: 1

Vitality: 748

Genes:[Time Skip : Level - 5/50][Samsara]

Time Realm Understanding = Sight

Each of his forms specialized in a different stat. Once he went back to normal he felt his stats balance out again. He decided to test something out. He quickly recalled all three of them back into his body, and checked his stats again.

Strength: 950

Speed: 1100

Vitality: 950

Genes:[Time Skip : Level - 5/50][Samsara]

Time Realm Understanding = Sight

Their stats combined with his stats, making his power explode tremendously. Once the three left his body, his stats fell back to normal. He now had a much better understanding of how the samsara gene worked. It had no levels, however it didn't need them since his samsara lives would scale of his own strength and had no need for a gene level to make them stronger. As he got stronger, they got stronger, and as they got stronger, he got stronger. They were all interlinked, and Cain was the core, who powered the entire operation.

"What happens if you guys die?"

This was a question Cain was concerned about.

"No worries, since you are our origin, as long as you are alive, we are alive. However, if you die, we all die. We still can be destroyed though, and if that happens we will respawn within your body"

The thief said in glee, clearly satisfied with this deal.

"Well, I still need to know what to call you three..."

"I am Niel Budo, king of the Budo Kingdom that ruled over the entire realm!"

"I am Minos Bassano, the greatest musician to ever live!"

"I am Cyprise Corosi, a thief who stole every treasure the world had to offer!"