
"That must be an exaggeration?"

"That's what I thought to brother, but it's true. You'll have to see it to believe it."

"Well that doesn't matter since I've already got a girlfriend."

Surprisingly, upon hearing this the disciple burst into laughter.

"What's so funny…?"

"I'm sorry brother, but that's a well known joke in the core sect. A lot of disciples have said the same thing, but once seeing Mira, they instantly broke up with their long time girlfriends. Once there was a man who was married to his wife for 50 years, he had a family and everything. Unfortunately he saw Mira once by accident and his relationship soon turned sour, wasn't long before the two were divorced"


Now Cain knew this was all nonsense. It was probably the case where the rumours made the reality itself for more intense. Like how when people told someone they saw ghosts. The next night, that person who originally didn't believe in ghosts suddenly saw some suspicious stuff happening. It wasn't that ghosts suddenly became real, instead it was now the case of your mind fooling itself. It wants to believe in ghosts so now every mysterious event is caused by a ghost. This was probably similar in this scenario as well, the rumours were so exaggerated that now anytime someone saw senior sister Mira, they convinced themselves she was a beauty that was unsurpassable.

"Brother, is that Flying Magma Bear yours"

"You've only noticed it now?"

"I'm sorry, but whenever I start talking about senior sister Mira, my mind goes to a wonderland I never want to leave."

"You can stay in that wonderland all you want, I've still got to get checked in"

"Oh yeah, you're new brother. Here let me help you get settled in"

The disciple helped Cain find the elder in charge of the core sect. Cain handed in his token before being given a uniform and another token. This token was similar to the one he got in the outer sect, but made with much nicer materials. It had the word's 'Core Sect Disciple' written on the front, and 'Divine Perception Sect' written on the back. Cain took his stuff and headed towards his new home. It was located on the very edge of the core sect, clearly the worst area. Just like before, he would have to work his way to the middle.

"Brother we've been talking all this time, but I still don't know your name"

The injured disciple suddenly said.

"Oh, you can call me brother Cain."

"It's nice to meet you brother Cain. I'm brother Papin, you can come find me whenever you need help"

"I think you should get some help first. I don't want to be a burden"

"No worries, these are just flesh wounds, they'll heal in a jiffy. The thought of my senior sister Mira also helps me heal."

Cain ignored those last words, and entered his house, leaving Papin behind. The young man was clearly lovestruck, but Cain didn't have the expertise to deal with it. He suddenly thought about Oldman Belmon, if he was awake right now, he'd definitely have good advice for Papin. He pushed the thought of Oldman Belmon to the back of his head, now wasn't the time to feel depressed. Cain settled into this new house of his, it was already bigger than the one he had in the outer sect, despite being a house meant for regular core disciples.

Cain pulled out the core sect token before pressing a button on the side. A hologram shot out of the token appearing in front of his eyes. He looked at his current contribution points, and realized it had dropped to 500, from 50,000. Looks like outer sect points were only worth 1/100 core sect points, it was still better than nothing. He looked at the list of things he could possibly buy, but with his current points, he couldn't get anything good. Cain decided to look at the missions instead, he could probably replicate what he did in the outer sect and get rich in a single go.

"Beat the core sect strength record: Reward - 50,000 contribution points"

"Beat the core sect speed record: Reward - 50,000 contribution points"

"Beat the core sect vitality record: Reward - 50,000 contribution points"

Cain looked at these three missions with a grin on his face. In the past he might only be able to beat the speed record, and it wouldn't have been a guarantee since the core sect naturally cant compare to the outer sect. However now he had the samsara gene, and his three forms. These mission's that were known for being extremely hard and practically unbeatable, were essentially tailor-made for him.