the dead repays

The old man brought Dror's head close to his face and started sniffing on his face.

Dror wanted to yell out, what the fuck are you doing, but he couldn't find the strength to speak.

He couldn't even communicate with Nympho or Maya, The only hope he could see was the black statue making a move.

But the statue remained still just like any other statue.

After sniffing some more the old man released him and spoke.

" hmmm. Hah… where are my manners, I am sorry to make you feel uncomfortable…"

while speaking the man waved his hand and some kind of black animal leather appeared over his lower body.

Dror was yelling in his mind " what sorry , you fucking pervert, weirdo…."

But his face was calm and bowed to the old man while saying " No, no.. it is me who should be apologizing, for disturbing your meditation great sage…"

The old man looked at him and showed a weird smile "