little drama

Dror moved towards one of the corners of the hall, where a burly man was standing and keeping an eye on the entire hall.

Dror had noticed that this Burly guy was ordering the servants every now and then, this person was someone like a supervisor or something.

The burly man immediately noticed Dror moving towards himself and started scrutinizing him before asking.

" Is there anything that I can help you with sir.."

Dror didn't instantly replay but slipped a small pouch towards the man , The burly man accepted the pouch and became more humble.

"Sir, I can introduce you to one of our special girls, trust me you won't be disappointed.."

Dror showed a hesitant smile and replied " Actually I am very interested in one of your servant girls…"

And he was looking directly towards the disguised Laurel with a lewd smile.

The burly man seemed hesitant " sir actually…"