broken dominance

Dror was still inside his head and cooking up his grand revolution plan, while casually listening to the conversation between the other three, that is when some one's voice interrupted from behind.

No ordinary person would approach the table, as four young dragons were sharing the table and discussing their matters. But the intruder clearly didn't


It was a majestic voice with a commanding aura to it " Lisa you are here, I have been looking all around for you…. Hello, laurel .."

The address clearly showed that the intruder didn't care about Ronin or Dror.

Lisa showed a blank expression when she heard the voice, but Dror could feel that she was hiding her displeasure.

" Mr. Oliver Belindo, I was just having a chat with my friends , how can I help you.."

Lisa replied casually.

Laurel was also similar to Lisa and gave casual replay " Hi "