Chapter 3

Here I am holding on to Joebert for dear life with my eyes closed shut, motorcycles are scary. I quickly opened my eyes and loosed my arms from around him, I hopped off his motorcycle. 

"I wasn't holding on to you cause your good looking", I said putting my hands on my hips and looking at my surrounding. This place doesn't look familiar to me, theres small buildings but most of them have busted windows and some are covered with graffiti. I turned and looked at Joebert, he wasn't sitting on the motorcyce anymore. He was giving me a look as if he was checking me out. He brought his eyes up towards my breasts. I quickly put my arms around them. He looked very amused.

"What are you doing nerd", he said smirking at me as if he was enjoying looking at me this way. He began laughing at me. "Your not covering anything if you don't have anything", he said laughing even harder.

"Whatever. So what exactly are we doing here, where ever we are", I said looking around one last time. This place kind a creeped me out a little. It was dark outside and there were lots of ally ways. Also, there we no cars or people anywhere around here. It's like a ghost town.

"Were going to go hang with some people I know". He just stood there, it's sorta creepy. I looked around once more. 

"Where are these people cause I'm not seeing anyone", I said staring at him cause I'm scared just a little, ok alot. He tilted his head at me and gave me a sexy smirk. He started walking up to me slowly.

"Are you afraid to be alone with me, in the dark, at night", he said it staring into my eyes with his deep sexy voice. I think I'm about to faint right in front of him. He was now right in front of my face. He was looking down at me and I was looking right up at him. I'm gonna die. I started hyperventilating from how sexy he was. He started laughing so hard I don't think he could breathe. He stopped after a while.

"Ok, lets go". He grabbed my arm and we walked through several ally ways.

"Ok, if you wanted to kill me the last ally way was way bigger", I said cause I was scared. I didn't know where we were going. He stopped and knocked on a big wooden creepy door. Some tan guy with long dreads opened it. He was very hoppy and loud. Joebert let go of my arm and I followed him inside of the building, it smelled funny. 

"Joebert, whatsup man", said some guy as he stood up and gave Joebert a hug  . He had short black hair and he was wearing a loose blackshirt and some Ripjeans pants. Behind him was another guy who had long hair and a girl sitting in his lap. She was giving me a weird look.

"So, who's this", the guy with the black hair said staring at me with a smile on his face. 

"Her name is Mhel, she's a big nerd", Joebert said trying to be funny, or is he serious. He didn't have to tell them I'm a nerd, that is very mean. Just cause I like studying and reading doesn't mean I'm a nerd, it just means I'm a very smart girl.

"She's kind a hot dude" Dreads (Dread head guy) said walking. Joebert looked at me. Everytime he looks at me I can't help but look into those green eyes. I'll never get used to them.

"Joebert,when are you taking me home. It's ten o'clock and my mom is probably worried", I said looking at Joebert interrupting his conversation with everyone. I was ready to go home, this is not my scene and I don't really like it here.

"We'll leave soon". He looked away from me and kept talking to his friends.

"Hey, Jaja! Do you even know where your going!", Joebert yelled at me from the door. I turned around to look at him. He began walking towards me. 

"Yes, I know exactly where I'm going", I lied. He was now in front of me. 

"No you don't, the motorcycles that way". He pointed in the opposite direction I was walking. He smirked at me, man I hate that smirk.

"I knew that, I was just trying to see if you did", I said lying again and began walking the other way. I could hear him following behind me.

"You know, for a nerd your really stupid", he said laughing at me.

I feel myself being carried but I'm so sleepy I can't open my eyes. I feel them lay me down on a nice comfortable soft bed. I curl up under the covers they put on me and fall into a deep sleep. 

Chapter 4

Today I'm wearing a black T-shirt and some rip jeans, I always wear plain clothes cause I never feel the need to get all fancy for school, or anything.

"Hey mom", I said walking up to her and kissing her cheek. "Is Reyden taking me to school today". Reyden is my older brother, he parties all night and sleeps all day. He got kicked out of college for never going to class and pulling pranks on teachers.

"Yes he is", she said with her eyebrows raised and looking behind me towards the foyer. I turned around to see michael looking tired. Reyden never really talks to me like he used to, he's always out with someone.

"Come one , I'm tired and need to sleep". He said rushing me and sounding very annoyed. 

"Maybe if you didn't stay out all night then you wouldn't be so tired, you need to try and get a job while your here".

I get into Reyden car and he gets in on the other side and starts the car. "So, who was that guy that you were with last night?", Reyden asked me. For a minute I was confused on what he was talking about. Then I remembered Joebert.

"He moved in next door". My brother was always overprotective of me.

"Whats his name?", he asked being nosy. I looked at him and jumped out of the car, "It's none of your business". I closed the car door and walked up to the door of the school.

I kept walking down the hall towards my locker. Once I opened the locker a folder peice of paper fell out on the floor. I bent down and picked it up and opened it.

"Olivia, you are have been invited to my Party.

Hampton Circle

This Saturday at 8:00pm

Mark Joseph


I just stared at the invitation, I don't even know who Mark Joseph is. I took my books out of my locker and walked to my class.


"You never eat at lunch, are you like starving yourself or something", Claire said to me as we sat at our lunch table with some other random people we don't know. 

"I'm not hungry, and I don't like cafeteria food". She was still talking but I stopped and looked over to where April sits, he was over there eating and talking to his friends. 

"Hey, I think you dropped this". A guy with back short hair guy had a peice of folded paper in my face. I looked at the paper.

"I think you have the wrong person", I said looking up at him.

"No, your the right person. I put this in your locker today"?

"Oh, well thanks for bringing it to me". I was about to grab the paper but Claire snatched it before I could get it. He smiled at walked away towards April table, maybe they're friends.

"Were going to the party", Claire said to me plainly. 

"Uh, maybe you are but not me. I have things to do that night". I really didn't have anything else to do, I just don't want to go to thisd party. If he sits at April table.

"Like what, studying. Your going".




"What did I say", she said as she gave me a look that I didn't like so much. She's a great friend,.

"You need to learn how to-". Claire started to say something but stopped and widened her eyes. What is she looking at. I turned around and looked behind me. Joebert was walking to April table.

"He's sexy", Claire said with he mouth in a O position. She's acting like it's her first time seeing him, doesn't she remember the mall. I rolled my eyes and picked up my tray and walked to the trash cans.

Made it. "Jaja". I heard someone say behind me. Man, I spoke to soon. I turned around on my heels slowly and fake smiled at Joebert.

"What is your name". That didn't come from Joebert. I looked over at the table and saw April looking at me, I looked behind me just to make sure he wasn't looking at a girl behind me.


"Your name, what is it", he asked me showing off his famous smile.

"M-Mhel", Once again I said stuttering. He probably thinks something wrong with me.

"Joebert!", Some preppy girl from the cheerleading team ran and jumped up on Joebert. Wow, he has fans already.

"Whos this girl", she said staring at me in disgust. 

"Mhel", He said to her with a smirk on his face.

"Do you like Joebert or something", she said still giving me the same look, she said it with some attitude.. Whats this chicks problem with me.

"Hahaha. No. Any girl that likes or even hooks up with him probably is a very stupid person", I said smiling in his face. She gave me a mean look now.

"So your saying I'm stupid". I stood there and didn't say anything. I noticed everyone in the cafeteria was watching us. Claire ran up to me and grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the cafeteria.

Chapter 5

Right as I walk into the school door.I calling the head cheerleader stupid. I don't even know her name. I walk to my locker and open it to get my books. I feel a small tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Mark Joseph standing there smiling.

"Hey Mhel", he says as he puts his hand on the locker next to mine so that his arm was on one side of my head.

"Oh, hey Mark Joseph", I say giving him a friendly smile. 

"Did you ever make up your mind about my party, I really want you to come". He licked his lip while staring down at me from him being taller than me. He was a little cute but I don't like him in that way. 

"Well, I don't know if i'm coming, I'm not really a party person. I've never even been to a party before", I say giving him my 'I'm sorry' look. He moved his hand from the locker.

"You'll be with me so it'll be fun. Just please, give it a chance", he says to me sad like. I start feeling bad for rejecting his part invite.

"Ok then, I'll see you there", he says before he walks away. The bell rings and I walk to my first class.

"Mr. Sisante, who are all of these other students", I say standing next to him as he writes some stuff on the board.

" One of the teachers down the hall couldn't make it in to school today and the principal couldn't find a sub since it was last minute. When I'm at my seat I sit down and look to my right and see Joebert sitting there. I quickly turn my head so that he doesn't notice me, he probably hates me to for calling his girlfriend stupid.

"Mhel, I can see you sitting there. Your not hiding", I hear him say. I turn back to the front of my desk and look over at him to see him looking at me. 

"Uh, hey Joebert", I say scared of what he's going to say, probably something mean.

"Your that ugly girl who called Chel stupid". Some boy says to me. Wow, what he said really hurt my feelings. What is the teacher doing, everyone is just talking and doing whatever. "Chel isn't stupid.

"Hey bitch, look at me when i'm talking to you", he says grabbng my arm. Thats when Joebert stands up and walks infront of the guy.

"Shut the fuck up dude before I shut you up. And don't ever put your hands on her again, show some fucking respect.", Joebert says with a scowl on his face, which tells me he doesn't like this guy to much. The guy smiles and puts his hands up and backs away from Joebert. Joebert walks back to his seat and sits down.

"Thanks", I say still looking at my desk. 

Finally, when it's lunch time I walk in line next to Claire.

"So, I've decided that we're going to go to Joseph's party. He says that he really wants me to come", I say to her as I put an orange on my try.

"Oooo, sounds like he likes you". She wiggles her eyebrows at me. I burst into laughter from the way she said that.

"I highly doubt he likes me, he probably just wants a new friends.

"April probably doesn't want you. He's a player, I don't know why you haven't seen his ways yet", she says as we sit down at our lunch table we always sit at. I roll my eyes at her calling him a player.

"April is no player. He's sweet, cute, and he is probably a commited guy who takes great care of his girlfrends", I say smiling thinking about the day me and him get married.


After school I go home and go up to my room. I open up my curtains to let some sunlight into my room, but the first thing I see is Joebert standing in the room right by mine because of how close the windows are