Top Five targets

In the spacious office on the tenth floor.

Jing Lihua was quietly going through the lists of all the major shareholders of the company.

"After the employees, the next thing to deal with are those malicious shareholders."

In the list, she marked certain names in big circles with a red marker.

Looking at those names, memories reemerged from her last life.

"I remember how at the election for the President these people had gone against their words... After winning profits from me, they stabbed me in the back and still elected Tang Huang as the new President in the end"

Jing Lihua's eyes darkened with hostility as she glanced at that name. "Tang Huang... I have not forgotten you. I have not forgotten how you had sold our family Tang enterprise to Su enterprise for your personal gain... Just because you were scared that you wouldn't be able to hold onto the President's position. You are a coward."

"Five of you, I will come for all of you. Just wait. One by one, I will take you down. You would underestimate me, won't you? You would assume I am the same naive and reckless girl who knows nothing of the dark side of the business. But you would be surprised once I made my moves."

Jing Lihua was distracted when she heard an urgent knock.

"Come in." She said without even looking up. Silently, she hid the files under her oversized office table.

With a small, unfaltering smile giving inflexible yet warm feeling, she faced the newcomer. Her bearing was professionally immaculate.

"President Jing, there is something important I need to report."

The young woman's voice was rather low. She looked very jittery with flushed cheeks. Under the bounds of that cold office room, in the company of a person who was like a calm cold volcano, the young woman couldn't help but feel extremely nervous.

Jing Lihua didn't change her expressions. However, glancing up the woman she offered her comfort in her words.

"Yang Mi. Don't be nervous, Speake openly what do you have to say." Jing Lihua recalled her from her last life. The young woman was passionate about her work. Since she was a hard worker, she was loyal. She had risen in ranks not soon after Jing Lihua had joined the office.

However, in the end, in the hands of Tang Huang, she had met a bad end after she got in a conflict with a senior officer and was forced to resign.

Yang Mi's jittery heart felt a sudden boost of elation and confidence. "President Jing knows my name?"

"Yang Mi, it is my duty to learn each and every employee's name. If I want my employees to treat me with respect, I must do the same. Shan't I?" Her voice was serene and cool with an edge of warmth.

'She is so gentle yet cool at the same time.' Listening to her words, Yang Mi felt deeply touched. 'Even though my colleagues advised against it, I am even more certain I made the right decision to come here today.' 

"President Jing, I fear that the employees in Tang enterprise are planning a revolt. Wang Jianglin is gathering seniors to go on a strike." Yang Mi said that with great difficulty, fearing President's reaction to the news.

However, after saying that, she was surprised when the small smile on the President's face didn't even waver for a second. Likewise, her eyes were still cool like still water in a clear lake.

'What? Did the President even hear her? Wait... Maybe she didn't understand what I said-'

"Yang Mi, even if employees plan a revolt, you are no obliged to inform the top authorities according to the terms in the contract of the employment. Do you know that?"

"Yes, President."

"Do you know that after this move of yours, your colleague will isolate you for trying to curry favor with top authorities by being their informant?"

"President..." Yang Mi felt her heart chilling up. "I didn't do it in hopes of gaining your favor. I did it because... I naturally admire you. Trust me, I do not expect anything in return. I just want to stay loyal to the company's cause."

'You never did that in my last life. What made you admire me? Was it my change that prompted you?' Jing Lihua silently wondered.

After she finished saying that up, silence fell in the room.

With each moment passing, Yang Mi felt her heart pulsating harder.