Let's see how are you going to slap the President of Tamg enterprise.

"Insolent!" Jing Shuping slammed his fists on the table.

Jing Lihua had never behaved before him in such a manner.

What had caused the sudden change?

"Just because you have now become the wife of Su Liwei, do you think you can disrespect me?"

"I surely can't behave this way just because I'm the wife of Su Liwei..." Jing Lihua was calm as ever. Her eyes were cold.

Jing Shuping frowned slightly.

Why was she trying to get at?

"But..." She said, "I sure can behave this way because I'm the president of Tang enterprise - one of the top five companies in Beijing."

At this, Jing Shuping laughed. "I know everything about the drowning business of your Tang enterprise. With someone as foolish as you presiding over it, the company is bound to doom."

He said with certainty.

Jing Lihua contemplated for a while.

On second thought...

"Fine. I'll make Mo Liang agree to meet you." Jing Lihua hid her smile under her eyes.

She would make him agree to meet him but she wouldn't make him agree not to accept his offer, or not to insult him.

Jing Shuping looked pleased. His daughter knew that there will be no place for him when her company falls. She must have gotten scared after his threat.

He hint of disdain appeared in his eyes.

This Jing Lihua was just like her mother, a pathetic timid who could be suppressed with just a little bit of pressure.

"Just like that. You should know you owe us! Humph!"

He was even more certain that she would bring the downfall of the Tang enterprise. 

Someone with a timid character like her, how could she support a massive corporation that required a strong and unyielding leadership?

Jing Lihua glanced coldly the man's face. She knew exactly what was going through his head.

So what?

In the end, he would have to be disappointed.

Sometimes she wondered how could she share the same blood as him? Jing Lihua was more than happy to walk out of the dining room.

"Are you telling me you didn't send him in? Ridiculous! I paid him so much to make him agree to do this deed."

"How could I have sent him in? Su Liwei... He was with her entire night. I didn't get a chance to..."

"Su Liwei was with her entire night?!?!?"

The quietened once they spotted Jing Lihua. Jing Tian was looking very temperamental. Jing Lihua was surprised when she stomped to her, roughly grabbed her scarf and threw it away.

"You..." Her eyes widened noticing a trail of hickeys. "You whore!"

Jing Lihua didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I don't understand your standards Jing Tian. A woman is named a whore for sleeping with her own husband?"

"Y-You slept with him?"

"Of course, he is my husband. It is understandable."

Jing Lihua did sleep with him but not the way Jing Tian was thinking. So it was not entirely a lie. She hid a smile under her eyes.

Su Liwei rejected her but slept with her worthless sister? How could she tolerate it?

"You bitch I'll kill you." Jing Tian charged towards Jing Lihua but she effortlessly dodged her attack. She simply grabbed her elbow, twisted it behind her back, and gave her a sharp push, making Jing Tian fall down painfully.

Meanwhile, her father and brother came in along with her mother hearing the commotion.

"Oh, my little Jing Tian" He Zhoyan quickly went on her knees beside her daughter.

Noticing that the situation was in her favor, Jing Tian assumed her usual white lotus face.

"Mother, Mother I-I just told JieJie that brother-in-law left and she got so angry t-that she hit me and pushed me down... Sob... mother I'm hurt..."

"How dare you Jing Lihua! What has my daughter ever done to you to make you hate her? She always wants the best for you and this is how you treat her?" He Zhoyan was enraged. "Husband, punish her now! I won't settle for anything else. She hurt your daughter! Slap her right now or I won't ever talk to you again!"

Jing Lihua wanted to laugh.

This was her so-called family.

"How vile you can be!" Jing Shuping quickly assumed that it was Jing Lihua who was at wrong after listening to his wife. "Your sister loves you sincerely and always thinks about your welfare and this is how you return her love?"

Jing Lihua didn't say anything just coldly stared at him. If it was previous Jing Lihua, she would be scared witless.

The previous Jing Lihua wouldn't even dare to hit Jing Tian in the first place.

"Apologize to you sister!" Jing Shuping was even more enraged when he saw Jing Lihua's emotionless face. 

"Why must I apologize? She was the one who attacked me first."

"You expect me to believe that someone as good as my Tian'er could raise a hand on someone, even if it is someone as despicable as you?"

Jing Lihua felt a faint tinge of pain in her heart.

Was this man really her father?

Her eyes grew colder.

"Apologize to her right now or else..."

"Or else what father?"

Jing Tian, He Zhoyan, and Jing Junhai - they all were taken aback when she challenged her father. What had the world come to?

The Jing Lihua they knew used to burst into tears whenever she saw her father's angry face.

She was a timid wimp.

How could she suddenly take a stand against her father?


"Or else you slap me?" She laughed icily. "Let's see how are you going to slap the President of Tamg enterprise." Just as she said that half a dozen big bodyguards in black rushed in and surrounded her. "Go on father. Try to touch me now."

"Jing Lihua!" Jing Shuping's face went red with anger. "Don't forget you are standing at my territory!"