A glimpes into the past

"Which corporate is it?"

"Its Hong Kong's biggest corporate; the Li..."

Before he could finish or Jing Lihua could think anything, Mei Xiu rushed to the room without a proper knock.

"President, pardon my manners. There is something important." She looked pale. Her hands were trembling and she was heavily panting like she had run all the way here.

"What happened?" Jing Lihua was instantly alerted.

"The restaurant... the restaurant where President went with Mr. Mo. A man reported to me just now. All the chef crew was found dead in the restaurant kitchen."


At the Mealor mansion.

A middle-aged man was going through an old album. In the photo, there were four people Yang Biyu, Su Donghai, Su Guozhi and Tang Yuyan. In all the photos, Tang Yuyan was in Su Gouzhi arms and one could easily discern with a little attentiveness that the couple shared a more than friendly relation. The photos belonged to their teen years. They all had smiles on their faces. One could tell they were all close friends and having the best time of their lives. There were their photos from their trips to Japan, Hong Kong, Huwai and Switzerland. In fact, there wasn't a single place they left.

Su Donghai turned to the next section. In this section, the tragedy started. The looks Yang Biyu gave to Su Gouzhi changed. Longing and envy appeared in her eyes. The four of them were still smiling but now, only the two of them had real smiles. Neither Su Donghai nor Yang Biyu's smiles were genuine. Yang Biyu looked longingly at Su Guozhi while Su Donghai looked longingly at Yang Biyu.

Su Donghai was disturbed by a call from his personal secretary.

"What happened?"

His secretary explained everything about the recent activities of his daughter, Su Lanfen. He also informed him how she failed to get the media and how the chefs were found dead in the restaurant. Even the CCTV recordings were cleared by Su Lanfen and there was an obvious evidence of that.

In the end, Su Donghai was furious.

"Send for Su Lanfen. Tell her to come and meet me right now!" That stupid girl! How dare she make such a big move without even consulting her father!


In the photographic studio.

After having countless shots, Su Lanfen opened her account in hopes to find more insults directed towards Jing Lihua. But she was stunned to find an entirely different reality. Her subscriber number had reduced to half and her account was filled with insults.

"@Su_Lanfen die you bitch!

"How dare you turn us against our prince! I'll personally come and kill you!"

"From now on I'll never buy any dress she wears. #Unsubscribe Su Lanfen"

"I used to be her devout fan but after finding her reality I'm truly stunned. How can I be so blind to follow such a disgusting liar my whole life? #Unsubscribe Su_Lanfen"

"Congratulations @Su_Lanfen you've successfully turned a devout fan to a devout hater. I'll make sure to curse you the rest of my entire life on this app."

"I knew it. No one believed it. I've been following Jing Lihua activities for the last few days. She has a decent character. This bi*ch surely tried to frame Jing Lihua and Mo Liang."

"I don't understand why did she even make that move against them? What did Mo Liang and Jing Lihua do to make her hate them?"

"Must be jealous of her recent accomplishments. Did you not hear the audio? She surely sounds very proud of her Su family."

"But what did she said? 'The thing that happened, no one will ever know about that' I'm very curious about what happened in the restaurant?"

"What is to be curious about. We know that she is a b*tch and that's what we need to know."

Su Lanfen couldn't endure reading anymore. She quickly clicked the home page. And there it was, the trending post; the audio originally posted a famous celebrity on the app and then shared countless times. The attention the topic got, was gone overboard. Even the scandal she spread didn't get that attention. She looked through the app and found that Mo Liang had made an official response that woke up his thousand of fans and resulted in such a dramatic response.

"That bastard."

When she had called recklessly Jing Lihua, she was aware of the possibility that Jing Lihua could have recorded her call. But Su Lanfen's number was unknown. There was no way Jing Lihua could have already known that it was Su Lanfen call and started the audio record... unless... unless... she had the record function already activated for everyone. 

Su Lanfen felt like throwing her phone into the wall. "But still I'm not lost. We have paid the media a lot to exaggerate the scandal between her and Mo Liang. And the pictures are real. On the other hand, audio authenticity can be disputed. Still, she is one step behind me..." When she browsed through the latest news, Su Lanfen's heart dropped. Not a single reporter whispered about the Jing Lihua scandal. In fact, after typing her name, all that appeared was praises of her charity works and her recent success.

With cold hands, Su Lanfen gave a call to her manager.

"Why the media has not released the scandal yet? I emptied half oy bank accounts to fill their pockets! How could they do this to me!"

"Su Lanfen I'm trying to contact them. But no one from the media channels is picking my call. And also there is something impo..."

"How can they do this? Are they undermining Su family influence in Beijing?"

"Su Lanfen listen to me! This is important. Your father's secretary gave me a call. Mr. Su must have gotten the news by now. You need to plan what to say to your father. Your father has asked for you to immediately return home. His secretary said he is very angry."

Su Lanfen's heart was chilled with terror.


Author note.

Just to tell you all who is who.

Yang Biyu: Su Liwei and Su Jiayi mother. Su Guozhi wife. Jing Lihua's mother in law. She is dead.

Tang Yuyan: Jing Lihua mother. Jing Shuping's wife. Tang Liuwei (Jing Lihua grandfather) only daughter. She is also dead.

Su Guozhi. Eldest son of Su family. He is adopted. 'Apparently' Su Liwei and Su Jiayi father. Su Donghai elder brother. Yang Biyu's husband.

Su Donghai. Youngest son of Su family. Su Lanfen's father. Su Liwei and Su Jiayi uncle. Yang Biyu (Su Liwei mother) lover before her death.

Su Jiayi: Su Liwei younger sister. Jing Lihua sister in law.

Su Lanfen: Su Donghai daughter. Su Liwei cousin. An A list model. Zhao Liying strong competitor.