Silent treatment trick doesn't work everytime

"Wake up you f**ker!" Zhao Liying kicked Mo Liang after throwing away her phone.

"Huh...? What happened? Why do you have to be so brutal? I was asleep. Why..." He fell silent when his eyes fell on a Jing Lihua with her arms crossed over her chest. "Am I still dreaming?" Mo Liang rubbed his eyes and sat straight. "How did she find out we were here?"

"Why do you care? Just go back to sleep." Zhao Liying was still angry. Only if Mo Liang had woken up earlier she could have come up with a better excuse on the phone.

"Can I?" Mo Liang gleamed.

"You can if you don't want to wake up again." Zhao Lying threatened. She didn't want to be the one left to give an explanation to Jing Lihua. Mo Liang was better at this thing. She knew if she tried to explain, she would end up only messing things further.