I'm here to serve Xiao Jing.

"Hello, Uncle Wei." Jing Lihua politely smiled at him.

"Where have you been all that time. Have you any idea? You had driven Madam Bao insane. At that time she had done everything she could to find you. I asked countless times but Li Zhiqiang wouldn't tell me! How could you leave us all like that!" Uncle Wei looked like he had been wronged.

Jing Lihua was at a loss of what to say. She glanced at Li Zhiqiang as if asking for a direction.

"Madam must be so happy now that you are back. I can't begin to imagine her happiness. Let me give her a call to congratulate her personally that her daughter-i..." Uncle Wei ready to sprint away.

"Uncle Wei" Li Zhiqiang interjected. "Mother doesn't know yet." 

"What do you mean she doesn't know?" Uncle Wei couldn't believe it.

Li Zhiqiang glanced at Jing Lihua. "Jing Lihua is not yet ready to meet her."