Had she relly died?

The next day, Jing Lihua had to travel back to Beijing in the evening.

"Looks like I can't avoid him." Jing Lihua sighed. She gave up the idea of calling President Li and sent him a message that she wanted to meet him in his office. 

Suddenly a reply came.

Li Zhiqiang: "Do you want to continue what happened last night? However, the office might not be a suitable location for that."

When Jing Lihua read it, her face twitched. She knew he wouldn't let her off. It was only her fantasy to think that he will forget what happened last night and treat it like it never happened.

Before she could type anything, another message arrived.

Li Zhiqiang: "However if you are that eager, I might arrange something for us."

Jing Lihua felt a sudden impulse to throw away her phone, stomp on it until it smashed into pieces.