Was it her strength?

That day it was not his name she had called for. The words that escaped her lips shattered his heart. 

"Su Liwei..."

Weeks of waiting and it was not his name but Su Liwei that she remembered.

Li Zhiqiang knew it was not her fault. He knew that if there was someone who should be blamed for this was only him. His affection for her attracted the ire of his enemies. But the fact couldn't do anything to alleviate the pain in his heart. It only made the suffocation worse.

Li Zhiqiang's heart was in chaos. A strong possessiveness clouded his heart. He was crazy for her. The thought of letting go of her suffocated him. That day he had wanted to barge into the room and hug her tightly. He would never let her leave. He wanted to make her his willingly... or unwillingly. Even if she hated him for that he didn't want to part with her. He wanted to keep her by his side ever and forever. No matter what the cost.