End for the Wu sisters

"Why don't we have her fiance break the engagement? That would be perfect. She will have no means to threaten me in the future. Two birds at one stone." Jing Lihua said with a smile. What had happened today was necessary. She needed to show these people their place in order to stop them from making trouble for the future. They had caused her enough problems already and she didn't want them to follow her to Beijing.

Wu Ying was horrified. All she had done was said a few words of insults. "Please don't." Wu Ying was fully aware of the fact that President Li was capable of making her engagement break with just a few words. In fact, it was the relationship of the Wu family with Li Zhiqiang that had led to her engagement. Her hands were resting on the ground. They tightened into fists. "Don't be this petty. All I did was to say some words to you. No harm was done. And you would go to such extent to get back at me?"