Innocent smile

Lang Lan didn't know what to do. Heng Huizhong would never be fine with the bullying of Heng Bingwen. After all, he was his eldest son. "The situation is really not what it is like. My husband has invested a lot in your company. On account of that, how about you give me a chance to explain myself?" She very gratingly approached Jing Lihua. But nothing could make Jing Lihua loosen the cold expressions on her face. "This woman intended to harm my son. I'm a mother and I just couldn't sit and do nothing while someone threatened my son."

Jing Lihua tilted her head as if thinking. "Did she?" With a smile, she asked.

"Yes, you have no idea. She sent hooligans to beat up my son. My husband asked me to make her stop. I was just following my husband's wishes. Jing Lihua, let's not make a big fuss about it, okay?" For some reason, her smile chilled her more.