What did she do?

He laughed evilly and glanced at the entrance to the lobby. He waited, Jing Lihua waited. Wang Yi waited. Everyone else waited.

No one came.

"So disappointing." Jing Lihua sighed and continued to walk out.

"Wait! They are supposed to be here. Just wait for a little longer." Xie Qiang was anxious.

"Sorry, Mr. Xie I'm a very busy person. I have a huge corporation to look over. If your paps can't be punctual, you better fire them." And so she vanished from the company leaving everyone baffled. 

When Jing Lihua walked out, she was suddenly surrounded by a hoard of suited huge men. "President Jing, we are here on behalf of President Li to pick you up."

"Okay." Jing Lihua felt a little at ease to know that. Ever since he hadn't returned her call she had been worried. "Is everything alright? Is he okay?"

The bodyguards looked at each other then looked back at Jing Lihua. "We are here to take you to President Li."