Madame Bao, the one real Devil.

"Madame Bao, you are very gracious but not everyone deserves your kindness. Jing Lihua is a part of my family but I am morally upright. Just because of kinship I won't hide anything from you." Su Donghai's head was high. 

He glanced at Jing Lihua when she didn't raise her voice in objection. When he saw the strange expressions on Jing Lihua's face, he was confused at first. However, it didn't take him long to assume that she was scared. Establishing that in his mind, he was very satisfied.

However, fear wasn't the reason behind her funny expressions. She was just feeling helpless about whatever Madame Bao was planning.

"What do you mean to say, Elder Su? What did she do?" Madame Bao continued to pretend to be curious.

"Just before you arrived she had been disrespectful towards me. When she came into the house, she didn't pay any heed to the household rules."