Do not underestimate her

Though there was a slight hint lack of respect in Jing Lihua tune, from beginning to end she hadn't used any vulgar language. All she had done was to counter Elder Su's words with reasonable retorts. Listening to the exchange of words between the two, one could easily tell which one was in the wrong.

After all, before Madame Bao's arrival, Su Donghai didn't care to keep an air of righteousness. And after a round of words from Jing Lihua, he had shed his mask.

During the process, Su Donghai's had tried to stop Madame Bao once or twice. But the water was already over the head. And if it was Jing Lihua alone, he could have done everything. But with Madame Bao, he couldn't be forceful. She was the mother of that tyrant Li Zhiqiang. Never in his lifetime, would Su Donghai forget that.