Wedding Day-2

"Mr. Su, now that all the guests and the media have left, I'll take my leave. I'll call the manager to arrange another room for you if you wish to stay overnight. If you wish to leave for your own residence then... I will ask them to arrange a ride for you." Her tune was extremely professional.

How smoothly she said all that to that fearsome man, even surprised herself.

In her last life, she could not even meet his eyes.

Yet, this time she talked to him in such length without a single crack in her tune.

Feeling small pride at her little accomplishment, Jing Lihua's eyes hardened with confidence. 

'He shouldn't find my words questionable.

After all, this skyscraper reaching the depths of the sky is originally under Tang enterprise real estate. He must already know grandfather said that it would be transferred to me after my marriage. So now that I am the President, it must be me who should accommodate an important guest such as him.

By this move, I want him to know that I hold the Tang enterprise in more respect than him.

And that... the place he holds in my heart is no more than an acquaintance.

An acquaintance I can treat with formal courtesy... but nothing more...'

After saying all that needed to be said, Jing Lihua wanted to walk out of that room.

However, she was halted when strong fingers curled around her wrist.

Her heart thumped lightly. She secretly took a deep breath to calm herself.

"What is it, Mr. Su?" She asked without looking back.

Her voice was calm.

'This was how he had treated me in my last life. After coming to this room, he had told me that he would be leaving because of some business trip. He had also said that I shouldn't take this marriage seriously because he only agreed because of the pressure from his family side.

So why did he stop me now?

If this is how he truly feels, he should go with the flow.

He should not find any objection.'

Jing Lihua still remembered that night, she had cried herself to sleep. In the upcoming days, in order to win him, she had completely forsaken her company and pestered him day and night. 

But not this time.

When Jing Lihua didn't turn back to meet his eyes, he stepped back and looked at her face. In a cold tune, he said.

"It is our wedding night" 

Jing Lihua's eyes widened slightly.

'I couldn't have expected him to say this. What does he want by mentioning 'this is our wedding night'?'

"I assume Mr. Su already knows that our marriage is a result of the pressure exerted by both sides of families. And also there are no personal feelings between us so it is only natural that none of us expects anything from this marriage." 

She said the exact same words that were said that night in her last life.

But this time, they were said by Jing Lihua to him...

Not by Su Liwei to her...

Su Liwei's expressions changed slightly.

Jing Lihua quickly said.

"As of the short term acquaintance we had in high school, I'm sure a matured man like Mr. Su wouldn't be hanging onto that sort of children's feelings... Would he?..." Jing Lihua purposely added mockery in her gaze.


The result wasn't what she had expected.

The hold on her wrist didn't loosen. Instead, it tightened.

The expressions on Su Liwei's face turned colder.

Jing Lihua was befuddled.

'What's the meaning of this?'

The atmosphere continued to turn chillier. After what felt like an eternity, he finally let go of her wrist. "You are right." Saying these words, he left the room.

Once he was gone, silence dominated the room once again.

"Su Liwei... Even after a lifetime... I can never understand you, can I?"




Only once he returned back to his car, Su Liwei cold expressions changed. After staying on his seat for a long time, his lips curled up into a lopsided smile.

The image of the woman replayed in his mind.

The way she had walked to him...

She walked smoothly; her shoulders were upright; her gait held unshakable confidence while her long wedding dress flowed at her tail.

That woman... She was not what he had expected her to be.

After a long silence, he said to Chen Feng; the man who was his most trusted subordinate.

"Chen Feng, cancel all my appointments and clear my schedule for a week"

"But Mr. Su, what about..."

"There has been a change of plans"