Tortured thoroughly

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This was too much!

This man was so good at corrupting her 'innocent' mind!

While his lips were busy sucking and biting the delicate skin of her neck, his fingers stealthily traced along the naked skin of her waistline. Just a slight tug and her skirt would be pulled off. Being in the state of vulnerability, Jing Lihua felt her senses heightened. 

In the spacious office, the only sounds that were heard were the gasps of Jing Lihua and the occasional sounds of kissing.

Li Zhiqiang was too slow...

Almost torturous.

But Jing Lihua was pinned down.

She couldn't just turn them over and fasten the things. 

And as for asking him to speed up, she would rather die than do that!

While her heart was pounding loudly, she gritted her teeth and forced her breaths to calm down.