Change of heart

Heng Bingwen had the reports right in front of him.

He was in a dilemma. 

"If these reports are handed over to the President, my father would be over..."

Complicated emotions surfaced in his heart.

Although father has treated me wrongly in the past, he has always looked down upon me, it was not the worst treatment...

Heng Bingwen was clear of this fact.

In cases like this, under the incitement of the wife, it is common for people in business circles to kill the children from their previous marriages...

However, my father had secretly provided us with financial assistance during the time...

Although I am disappointed in my father, it hasn't reached the point I would hate him... or wish him to die...

And also, in my grandfather's letter, he had asked me to find forgiveness in my heart.

He wanted me to spare my father.

What am I supposed to do now?