One Billion Downpayment

"He had been here to invite me for the night." Zhang Min had a polite smile on his face, he looked very friendly and approachable.

Mei Xiu nodded sending Zhang Min off. 

His explanation seemed genuine. Nothing fishy.

Such small parties were quite often. They were socialization events. One way they were means of getting in good terms with the higher-ups. After all the promotions of many employees were directly dependant on the evaluation reports provided by their superiors.

Later that evening, in a certain Pub.

"Yuefeng Ge, we have already talked through it. Why are you still hesitating?" Zhang Min pressed on. "Forget this. I understand that you are relatively new in the company so you might have some reservations. I was once in your place so I understand your state." Zhang Min sighed.

Human psychology was so. When they feel like someone has been in a similar situation as them, they would feel closer to them.