The Lang family plots

Lang Yufan had a valid reason for coming to Su Dnghai this day. 

And that was assiciated with his Aunt Lang Lan... 

A few days ago, Lang Lan had rushed back to Lang Yufan's father crying that her hold over her husband Heng Huizhong had been weakening. And that, in the future there might be chances that her son Heng Fu won't be able to inherit the position of Chief Executive in the company.

His father refused to interfere in the beginning. After all, it was Heng family internal matter.

But his Aunt Lang Lan persuaded that Heng Bingwen was a vengeful youngster and that, after successfully subduing his father, he would not even let Lang family off.

She tried her best to convince him that because of his hatred towards her, Heng Bingwen would most likely target the whole 'Lang' family.

This matter was concern worthy for the Lang family.