I will never let all the doors close on me

Jing Lihua didn't know what to say.

After finding out that her mother was a Heng, she had been shaken for so many days. It took her a long time to come in peace with reality and finally accept her new identity as a Heng.

And this man shrugged it off as if it was no big deal? He even called those idiots who wouldn't realize it? That to say Jing Lihua was an idiot for not finding out sooner?

Glancing up at Jing Lihua's glum expressions, Su Guozhai sighed. "Jing Lihua... have you ever wanted to get away from all of this?" His expressions were solemn. The motive behind his visit finally came out. 

Jing Lihua snapped out of her gloominess and looked into Su Guozhai's eyes, trying to comprehend his intentions. Yet, she could not find any evil intent in him.