A small comapny

Lang Lan could relate to Su Xuefeng. She had once been in a similar situation. After all, thinking of that bastard Heng Bingwen, he was once a nobody, akin to dirt on her feet. She believed that she could trample on those mother-son pair any instant. But who knew that in a matter of days, thinks would reverse so drastically?

And she would be left with no family, no face, and no support.

"You should get rid of them while you still hold power." Lang Lan said bitterly; her words were a result of the devastating suffering she had to experience.

The thing she regretted the most right now was not getting rid of that Heng Bingwen before everything turned upright down.

She could have...easily commissioned someone to kill him. At that time, her husband would never have suspected her. But now, she had neither power nor support.

"Oh, by the way, would Jing Tian older sister be attending?" This was the purpose Lang Lan was here.