Opening Ceremony Part 1

Jing Lihua wondered that how could a few simple words from this man could have such a drastic effect on her. Was it because he trusted her so deeply? No matter what the situation, she could always depend on him. That feeling alone was a great blessing.

"Thank you, Li Zhiqiang." The words emerged from the depths of her heart. 

She knew her heart was in the right.

His words reignited the resolve she had made in her heart the moment after her rebirth.

That never have any regrets.

That was how she had decided to spend this lifetime. 

How could she have forgotten?

Jing Lihua's change of expressions was intently being observed by the man whose head rested at the back of his palm as he gazed at her as if she was the only thing worth being looked at in the entire world. "Why would you thank me. I just stated the obvious. You always knew the answer."