Arc 1: Part 2

Tales of The Tower: The Gem God was said to have ears of an elf, Hands, feet and nose of a Swollen, and the rest looked mostly human. According to warriors at the sighting. He had green eyes. The rare eye color that was unique only to humans.

One light of four was flickering from the roof above. The hail must have struck the window a thousand times by now. The soon to be father shut the curtains to block the barrage of ice-the sound was worse than the site, though. His wife was delivering.

On the foot side of the bed, a doctor was encouraging her to push hard. His face was covered with a big brown mask with white stripes that tightened around his head. The father was a bit on the chubby side. To the naked eye, it was clear he never fought in a battle before. It was clear that the man was at the least, moderately wealthy to support his weight. His wife on the other hand, was skinny, beautiful, and pale. Signs of a noble's daughter. Even with a baby, her arms seemed as thin as the twig plant on the nightstand beside the bed.

"I can't handle much longer," the girl said. The doctor reached in and tugged slightly. "The Devil curses me, please get this thing out of me!"

"Almost…" the doctor said. From where the father was standing, the purple dress of the mother that had reached all the way to her knees. He couldn't see the horror his wife was feeling, or the calm look the doctor's brown eyes conveyed. "Push for five more seconds."

A baby was born. The birth was executed perfectly. After the birth the father relaxed his position as his wife lay on the bed exhausted. The doctor grabbed a scalpel and in one swift motion, the umbilical cord was sliced. Then, the baby was raised in the air, the flickering light behind. The baby opened her eyes a half second before the doctor widened his. His eyes returned in two flickers of light. Back to his chest he brings the baby and walks over to its father.

"A baby girl," the doctor announced. The father accepted the gesture of the doctor handing over the newborn. As happy as he was to hold her, his wife was in tears crying with joy. The doctor walked to his desk directly opposite of the bed, and pulled out paperwork. "You can hold her for a few minutes. But after you must go so the mother can rest and I can check for faults with the newborn."

"I can't leave my wife alone," the father insisted. He then said with a hint of assertiveness, "I am gonna stay with her tonight, just to make sure she's taken care of."

The right eyebrow above the mask raised high as the left lowered ever so slightly. That didn't sit well with him. The baby whimpered as the hail was still pounding the window hard. It was hard to notice the doctor retreating to silence in the midst of this horrible white noise. The father handed the wife the baby.

"Her eyes are beautiful," the mother said. The baby's eyes were emerald green.

"I'll send message to your father," the man said.

"After you deserted your kingdom to come to ours, after you in his words, abducted me, you would still send message of his grandchild?" she laughed. A slight grin forms as she is looking down at her newborn.

"Yeah, I know," he sat on the sill of the window. Rapid vibrations shook his body, but his cheerful demeanor was stable. "He is still your father, and he loves you, no doubt about that." Suddenly he jumped up from the window. "That reminds me," his facial expression doubled his already joyous look. "Ranun Spring won the war, and killed the king."

"When?" she asked. Her body ached from birth, but this news gave a dose of adrenaline. "And what does this mean?"

"It happened today, during your pregnancy. He sieged Falcon Hill, slayed the no good tyrant king, and took the throne as king of Soucrest," he exchanged a newspaper stuffed in his pocket for the newborn girl, still crying amongst the conversation. "Ranun is a good lad, he would pardon me if I pleaded."

"This is great!" her eyes were glued on the newspaper in front of her, the edge resting slightly above where her belly button was. "We can finally start our family and live in peace."

"Visiting hours are over," the doctor interupted. His voice had chilled the spine of the father. He was so caught up in the moment, he forgot the doctor was even in the room. "The baby goes with me, the mother sleeps here, and you must go home."

"I can't go home in this hailstorm, I'll be pelted to death."

"I've seen ducks survive nastier hailstorms than this, you'll be fine.

The father felt pressured, but he didn't want to leave his wife's side. "I think it's best I stay by her side, at least until morning."

"If you insist, you may, but the newborn must come with me," He walked closer. His shoes would make a hard slapping sound when it met the hardwood floor below.

"No, that's quite alright, he'll be safe with me," his grasp tightened, as he tucked her to his side.

"It's for your… her safety"

The wife's face of perplexion drew the father's attention. He didn't know what to do. Something felt off. When he looked away from his wife to the doctor, he was much closer than he had thought. There was no more time to think. The doctor held a scalpel to the father's throat. A leak of blood started to run, from the sharp edge to the dull back. His chin was raised to match the eyes of the doctor, who with his free hand, ripped the girl out of her father's grasp. The doctor took two swift long steps back, as the cut from his scalpel made the grown man kneel on the floor-it wasn't a deep cut but enough to require attention-he tended the wounds with his hand, as he watched the doctor walk back with his loud footsteps still slapping the floor every step. The scalpel was pointed at the newborns forehead. Blood from the father, had dripped down to her face. The blood nowhere near enough to drown, but the cries screamed as though she was being suffocated.

The mom's bed squeaked as she tried to will herself out of bed to stop him, but her body refused. Tears of pain ran down her face and cheek. The husband was on the floor, defeated. "Why?" was all she could make out in this horror.

"Green eyes tell all we need to know," the doctor said. He stood in the doorway, keeping the door open with his foot. "The devil's children must be tamed, by professionals, not women privileged to nobility, or men cowardly enough to desert. Try again, and maybe next time you will birth a human child." His eyes were cold. Not even a bit of shame emitted from his voice. He believed he was taking away something more than just a child. A devil hidden in a small infant's body was all his cold eyes would make of the newborn.

The doctor walked back out of the room, and the door shut after. The noise of his shoes on the floor faded with the cries on every step, until nothing but the terrible sound of hail was left. His eyes looked up above, to see the light now flickering just as fast as his heartbeat. It took a second for the light to die, and now he felt like he was in darkness in a room still filled with much light.

One light of four was flickering from the roof above. The hail must have struck the window a thousand times by now. The soon to be father shut the curtains to block the barrage of ice. His wife was delivering. On the foot side of the bed, a doctor was encouraging her to push hard. His face was covered with a big brown mask with white stripes that tightened around his head. The father was a bit on the chubby side. To the naked eye, it was clear he never fought in a battle before. It was clear that the man was at the least, moderately wealthy to support his weight. His wife on the other hand, was skinny, beautiful, and pale. Signs of a noble's daughter. Even with a baby, her arms seemed as thin as the twig plant on the nightstand beside the bed.

"I can't handle much longer," the girl said. The doctor reached in and tugged slightly. "For the hate of the devil, please get this thing out of me!"

"Almost…" the doctor said. From where the father was standing, the purple dress of the mother that had reached all the way to her knees. He couldn't see the horror his wife was feeling, or the unconcerned look the doctor's brown eyes conveyed. "Push for five more seconds."

The birth was executed perfectly. A baby was born. After the birth the father relaxed his position as his wife lay on the bed exhausted. The doctor grabbed scalpel and in one swift motion, the umbilical cord was sliced. Then, the baby was raised in the air, the flickering light behind. The baby opened her eyes a half second before the doctor widened his. His eyes returned in two flickers of light. Back to his chest he brings the baby and walks over to its father.

"A baby girl," the doctor announced. The father accepted the gesture of the doctor handing over the newborn. As happy as he was to hold her, his wife was in tears crying with joy. The doctor walked to his desk directly opposite of the bed, and pulled out paperwork. "You can hold her for a few minutes. But after you must go so the mother can rest and I can check for faults with the newborn."

"I can't leave my wife alone," the father insisted. He then said with a hint of assertiveness, "I am gonna stay with her tonight, just to make sure she's taken care of.

The right eyebrow above the mask raised high as the left lowered ever so slightly. That didn't sit well with him. The baby whimpered as the hail was still pounding the window hard. It was hard to notice the doctor retreating to silence in the midst of this horrible white noise. The father handed the wife the baby.

"I'll send message to your father," the man said.

"After you deserted your kingdom to come to ours, after you in his words, abducted me, you would still send message of his grandchild?" she laughed. A slight grin forms as she is looking down at her newborn.

"Yeah, I know," he sat on the sill of the window. Rapid vibrations shook his body, but his cheerful demeanor was stable. "He is still your father, and he loves you, no doubt about that." Suddenly he jumps up from the window. "That reminds me," his facial expression doubled his already joyous look. "Ranun Spring won the war, and killed the king."

"When?" she asked. Her body ached from birth, but this news gave a dose of adrenaline. "And what does this mean?"

"It happened today, during your pregnancy. He sieged Falcon Hill, slayed the no good tyrant king, and took the throne as king of Soucrest," he exchanged a newspaper stuffed in his pocket for the newborn girl, still crying amongst the conversation. "Ranun is a good lad, he would pardon me if I pleaded."

"This is great!" her eyes were glued on the newspaper in front of her, the edge resting slightly above where her belly button was. "We can finally start our family and live in peace."

"Visiting hours are over," the doctor said. His voice had chilled the spine of the father. He was so caught up in the moment, he forgot the doctor was even in the room. "The baby goes with me, the mother sleeps here, and you must go home."

"I can't go home in this hailstorm, I'll be pelted to death."

"I've seen ducks survive nastier hailstorms than this, you'll be fine.

The father felt pressured, but he didn't want to leave his wife's side. "I think it's best I stay by her side, at least until morning."

"If you insist, you may, but the newborn must come with me," He walked closer. His shoes would make a hard slapping sound when it met the hardwood floor below.

"No, that's quite alright, he'll be safe with me," his grasp tightened, as he tucked her to his side.

"It's for your… her safety"

The wife's face of perplexion drew his attention. He didn't know what to do. Something felt off. When he looked away from his wife to the doctor, he was much closer than he had thought. There was no more time to think. The doctor held a scalpel to the fathers throat. A leak of blood started to run, from the sharp edge to the dull back. His chin was raised to match the eyes of the doctor, who with his free hand, ripped the girl out of her father's grasp. The doctor took two swift long steps back, as the cut from his scalpel made the grown man kneel on the floor. He tended the wounds with his hand, as he watches the doctor walking back with his loud footsteps still clapping the floor with every step. The scalpel was pointed at the newborns forehead. Blood from the father, had dripped down to her face. The blood nowhere near enough to drown, but the cries screamed as though she was being suffocated.

Her bed squeaked as she tried to will herself out of bed to stop him, but her body refused. Tears of pain ran down her face and cheek. The husband was on the floor, defeated. "Why?" was all she could make out in this horror.

"Green eyes tell all we need to know, here in Dork." the doctor said. He stood in the doorway, keeping the door open with his foot. "The devil's children must be tamed, by professionals, not women privileged to nobility, or men cowardly enough to desert. Try again, and maybe next time you will birth in a country a little more ignorant than us." His eyes were cold. Not even a bit of shame emitted from his voice. He believed he was taking away something more than just a child. A devil hidden in a small infant's body was all his cold eyes would make of the newborn.

The doctor walked back out of the room, and the door shut after. The noise of his shoes on the floor faded with the cries on every step, until nothing but the terrible sound of hail was left. His eyes looked up above, to see the light now flickering just as fast as his heartbeat. It took a second for the light to die, and now he felt like he was in darkness in a room still filled with much light.