Chapter 5: @Canteen

Ceejay's Pov

I am so tired now that I have done so much in school that I am stressing over being known as omg but it's okay when i see lloyd so what is his surname? Aaaam lloyd cortez? Ah he is fine but i remember trying to later search his name on facebook for my friends hehe

Are my new best friends coming up? Did you ever tell me that I have 4 new friends ...

Flashback ....

I was sitting in the back when our teacher, pinky, was sitting outside so I could sit up and recess because we had just finished class with teacher pinky when bell and 4 girls approached me, joy, clear, and kyunnie fast forward ....

Bell: hi? Miss ceejay?

Hellow .... yes im ceejay

Bell: I'm bell johnson

Ammmm what the heck are you doing ????

I wonder to ask them

Joy: We went to clear kyunnie and bell to make friends with you, can we? They answered clearly and kyunnie and they were once again speaking

Ammmm yes that's why I'm here to wait to eat at the canteen

Kyunnie: so game are you coming with us?

Ammmm yes yes hehe

Joy: so what? Now we're friends?

Clear: are you ready to go with us?

Kyunnie: Is that ready to go crazy? Hehe

Bell: hahaha yes yes (laughing at her again)

Wow ha have some effect yet they seem to enjoy every time I'm with them ah?

Ammmn of course so now we are friends right?

Kyunnie: so what guys? Wanna eat at the canteen? I'm a little hungry

Joy: I'm so hungry I haven't eaten breakfast yet so maybe I'm hungry now

Clear: it's too late

Bell: It's too late to sit there with you

Ammmm guys? Can you go ahead to the canteen? I'm a little bit nervous right now so I'll follow you if you're embarrassed if I'm going to be with you

Bell: All right, let's just do that for us to recess

End of flashback ....

So that's why I'm looking for them now because I first went to the canteen because i'm embarrassed if they would accompany me to cr hehe

They were right at the far end of the table

Hi guys? I'm sorry I took a while to wait for a woman to pee

It's okay, we understand you very well, right answer by kyunnie

So tara na guys? Order us?

We had to sift together and once again we stood up to order the food we were going to eat

We were in the middle of a meal when Lloyd suddenly passed his lloyd cortez a little tall with his nose whitened and faded his hair in short cute pogi hehe

Kyunnie: hey bessss you've been watching our classmate lately

It seems like they've been looking at me lately what do you think I was struck by lloyd cortez? He also wished he didn't have a girlfriend

Joy: ceejay! Huy ceejay! (Pretty loud calling my name)

Hi ammmm baaaa kiiii kkkkitttt? Somehow I just answered them

What idiot? Hey you crush it no? (When it is cleared, it is clear)

Aaaammmm crush? Ha? Do I crush our classmates? When I claim to answer them

Why would you ask her a question from kyunnie?

Ah ha? Ammmm noooo no I don't crush him when I shoot them

Don't ever deny us that obvious and your friend will tell you in secret he'll reply bell

Alright then I admit to you yes I crush him don't you make any noise? Hehe answer me because I'm a bit shy and also a friend of mine

Infairness no girlfriend said bell

Hahaha really? What a joy to answer

Yieeee inlove our bestfriend answers all of them hehe

Don't be so noisy in your excitement that we're already looking at you


Ay hahaha oonga no? Clear answer

You know guys? It's good to be back in the room because we are late so we have another subject

Oonga hahaha hahaha we are late for joy

Let's go? bell rang

Let's go guys guys

Hayssss I'm here at home now having fun with our seat because I'm with my best friends and not just bestfriends right? Even the crush hehe

I was tired all day long and it was a bit late for me to eat so I could go to bed tomorrow and he would talk to her * BLACK-OUT *