The dystopian world

"Get your hands off me right now" queen Z exclaimed to the evil queen Rose.

Evil queen Rose was trying to kidnap queen Z. The evil queen rose succeeded in kidnapping queen Z. Evil queen Rose chained Z to the bed in the tower of her own castle. Queen Z was forced to stay in the tower while unknown to the evil queen she was pregnant. Queen Rose fed Z so little she thought get child was going to die. Z didn't know but there was a guardian angel looking after her and her child. The guardian angel used her magic to multiply the foods nutrients and made sure the baby would survive. The angel could see in the future and knew what to do to save the kingdom. Once Z gave birth she named her beautiful baby girl Diamond but as soon as she had named her the queen took her. Rose immediately locked her in the dungeon with a servant to take care of her. The fact her first born child was born into imprisonment crushed Z. The angel used magic to produce another child inside of Z thus this child would be part guardian which would help in the fight to regain the kingdom. Once the child was born she knew it was a boy. Unfortunately the boy had the same fate before she could name him not that hard she expected Rose to keep the names. Rose chastised and tortured Z for many years but like in Cinderella she stayed as nice as ever. Rose didn't like this and wished to destroy her kindness so she rocked the boat of the kingdom. Z was the most beautiful person in the land so everyone who even caught a glimpse of her mourned at her kidnapping. Rise had immediately took over the kingdom and she created it to be a dystopia. She made men wear bags of rocks and the same outfits. woman were only allowed to have a maximum of two babies in their life and had to wear rags and were treated as if they were Cinderella. if anyone broke these rules they were killed and the public were to watch. Rose took attendance and if someone was not present they were killed as well. The evil queen Rose loved the Patriots so she treated them as if they were kings and their cheerleaders like queens. They were allowed to as they wished as long as they continued playing football and cheer. Once Z children were three Rose put them up for sale. The angel of course knew of this and she bought both of them and took care of them helping the boy develop his powers. When they were eighteen she brought them back to the kingdom and they went up against Rose. They beat Rose and sent her to the dungeon. They released their mother and they restored the kingdom to they way it was. They combined the kingdoms and they ruled as the best king and queens they could be.