If I could turn back time I would go back to third grade. I would apply to be in Odyssey's first third grade class and stay until I graduated in eighth grade. I only attended Odyssey for seventh and eighth grade but they were the best two years of my life. As a high school student I am proud to say that out of six different schools I attended Odyssey was the best. Without all of the kind OCS staff helping me to comprehend the new curriculum and their kind recommendation letters, I would never have gotten into the school of my choice. I currently attend Ghs with a full agricultural program scholarship. At OCS we aren't just a school but a family. As a former student I would love to see Odyssey expand and be closer to the majority of the students. Not only do I think they have more students around the Nathan Hale school but I know most of them. I live literally down the street and I know that OCS will benefit from changing the location of the school. The less buses they need to pay for the more they can help supply for their students. At OCS the teachers truly care and want for us to succeed in life. On a certain day we had a lock down, and the middle school learning center staff locked the door to the office in the room. They also stood right in front of the door so that in the event they got in to the room, they would have to go through them to get to the students. OCS is truly an amazing school and I would love to go back to school at OCS. I visited on January twenty fourth and all of the teachers gave me hugs and asked how my new school was going. I helped to organize the school library and read to the younger students. The staff do their best to put children first in every aspect of their lives. The school is based on a thing they call the circle words. Circle is an acronym for courage, integrity, respect, curiosity, leadership and excellence. We practice these inside and outside of school.