The princess who had it coming

"I'm not afraid of you and won't be afraid no matter what you do to me."   (Princess)

"Do you even know who I am little girl." (King Robert) 

"No but I'm not a scaredy-cat either."   (Princess)

"Bring her to the house and keep her there until further notice." (King Robert)

"Don't touch me I can bring myself to the house."   (Princess)

I used magic to teleport to the house and they rushed into the house and found nothing. I turned myself invisible and then I teleported to my own house.

"She's gone master." (Guards) 

"Find her and bring her back to me." (King Robert)

He returned home and he grabbed me again. He put a metal bracket on each wrist and threw me into a cage. These bracelets were made to control the use of magic and the cage was magic proof. 

"Aren't you afraid of me now little girl." (King Robert) 

"No I told you already that no matter what you do, I will not be afraid of you."   (Princess)

When we returned to his palace he told his guards to open the cage. He told them to lock the doors behind them. He told me that I was foolish for trying to run and that if I tried it again the outcome would be worse. He told a guard to bring me to the tower and make sure that I didn't leave until further notice. The guard dragged me up twelve flights of stairs and shoved me to the floor of the tower. He locked the door and he left when he returned he had a plate of food and a gun. He unlocked the door and handed me the food, and he told me that he was sorry he had to treat me like he did. He told me that he was forced to do it if he wanted to live. The king called the guard and told him to bring me to him. The guard told me he had to bring me back down to the king. He told me that he was told to tie my wrists together in front of me, and that he was sorry he had to do it.  He held an end and pulled me down the twelve flights of stairs and into the throne room. The king had my mother and my father in cages and told me they would lose their magic if I didn't comply. I laughed and told him that they didn't have any magic and that only the princess and her grandparents can remove magic. He got really upset and tried to hit my mother. I knew all along that my magic wasn't prevented so I used it to protect my mother. He got really mad and told his guards to take me away. That night my grandma came to me and told me that she had to remove my magic. She told me that once I willingly set foot into our kingdom I would get my magic back. I told her that she had to take it quickly and leave. She removed my magic and took my mom and dad home. The king had his guards bring me to him in the morning and he told me to use my magic. I told him that I was no longer able to use it and that my grandma temporarily took the magic. He told his men to bring me to a regular room and lock me in without food or water. The men took me to a room on the eleventh floor and locked me in. They double locked the door they left me in the room. I tried to unlock the door but I couldn't get the lock free. He sent his men up the next morning and he told them that if I really lost my magic I would be there. They found me in the room and tied my wrists together. They dragged me down the eleven flights of stairs and they shoved me into a cage behind a bookcase. They shut the bookcase door leaving me in a cage behind it. 

"King king she disappeared." (Guards)

"Go find her and bring her back to me." (King Robert)

The guards returned three days later and they dragged me out of the cage and to the king.

"Are you afraid yet child." (King Robert)

"No I'm not afraid and if I may say your guards are liars."    (Princess)

"They are not liars they told me you escaped again." (King Robert) 

"Oh they told you I left they took me out of the tower three days ago, and they shoved me into a cage behind a bookcase. They just took me out of the cage before bringing me here."   (Princess)

"No master she is lying to you. (Chief Guard) 

"She is telling you the truth sir I didn't want to do it but the chief guard made me." (Guard Andrew)

"I did force him to do it I wanted the child dead."(Chief guard) 

"I'm assuming that you want me dead for revenge on my ancestors for the tragedy that ruined your life."   (Princess) 

"How do you know that." (Chief guard) 

"The only powers that can't be removed is the ability to read minds and see a person's past."   (Princess) 

"I told my mother not to take her anger you caused her to do anything nasty but she told me to mind my own business. I tried to save her I tried to hide and protect her. My guards ratted me out and they locked me into the tower while they brought harm."   (Princess)

"Is that where my daughter was before your family did what they did with you." (Chief guard)

"Yes I ran away with your daughter, some money, and a guard but he told when I sent him for food. My mom and dad kept me in the tower for an entire week for trying to help your daughter. The guards had brought me the smallest amount of food they brought me food from their plates, because my mother was so mad she refused to feed me."   (Princess)

"Your lying to me you never tried to help her your just trying to get me to not kill you." (Chief guard)

"I see that none of you trust me so I will prove it."   (Princess)

I read my grandmas mind because when royalty mind reads royalty it's a sign to come to their aid. She showed up and the king told his guards to get her. I told them that she was needed to prove what I was being truthful. 

"Grandma I need you to return my power for an hour and you need to help me with a spell."   (Princess)

"Why is this so important my dear I can hear the importance in your voice." (Grandma)

"Grandma one of the guards want to kill me for what you did to that child four years ago. He is going to kill me if I can't prove that I tried to help his daughter."   (Princess)

"Oh I know exactly what your trying to do with our powers I will help you and then I will return home.

She returned my powers for us to do the spell. We did the spell and the girl appeared full flesh. The guards were afraid they had done the wrong thing by treating me the way they did. 

"Go on it's really your daughter we brought her back to life temporarily. I wish it could be permanently but she would not remember anything if we did."

"Are you sure that it's really her." (Chief guard) 

"Yes it's really her and she remembers everything so I will leave you guys alone to talk about what happened to her."   (Princess)

"How do I know that you didn't replace the real memories." (Chief guard)

"My magic isn't strong enough to replace things or use dark magic without my magic necklace that fell off when you attacked me the first time."   (Princess)

He asked his daughter if she knew who I was. She told him that she did know who she was and that I didn't help her when they were killing her but she tried to protect me.

"I do know her and she tried to protect me until the day they found me that was the last day I saw her. She didn't try and stop them the day they killed me." (His daughter) 

"Bring that princess here." (Chief guard) 

"I'll go get her from the other room." (Guard Andrew)

"You lied to me you didn't try and help her the day she was killed." (Chief guard)

"I did try and help her I begged the guards to let me out. I told you they locked me in the tower for a week. They killed her on that wednesday while I was in the tower. I couldn't leave the tower the guards wouldn't listen."   (Princess) 

"It's true king Robert she was locked in the tower my daughter locked her in one tower and me in another. The towers we were locked into prevented our magic temporarily." (Grandma)

"She will be flesh until midnight and then she will disappear back to her grave."   (Princess) 

"My dear I will leave now and with me your powers will be removed again." (Grandma)

"Goodbye grandma I will let you know if I need you to come help me again."   (Princess)

"Bring her back to that room you told me she left she will be punished later." (King Robert)

My wrists were still tied together, and they pulled me up the eleven flights of stairs and shoved me into the room. They locked me in the room with my wrists still tied together. Right after I sat down on the mattress on the floor the door opened. A guard came in and he untied my wrists just to chain one wrist to the wall near the bed. He left the door unlocked and he stood outside with a gun. This was a different guard than the two who normally had the job of taking orders about me. I started to cry because I knew that I wasn't going to go home, and he wanted to torture me because I'm the princess.

"Stop crying you little brat your going to get me into trouble with King Robert." (Guard Zach)

"Why should I care if you get in trouble with King Robert your helping him keep me away from my kingdom."   (Princess)

"Your a princess I was told your an orphan child who was stealing from the palace." (Guard Zach)

Yes I'm a princess but not just any princess I'm the next magical princess. Your king attacked my kingdom and threatened for all to be hostage until he received the princess. A man in my kingdom was sheltering me and turned me over to your king. My grandma came here at night and she removed my powers so I can't defend myself. Magical beings are as defenceless as your human babies are without our magic."   (Princess)

"I'm a new guard here I used to protect the magical kingdom until I was fired. Do you remember the guard Zach?" (Guard Zach)

"I do remember Zach why."   (Princess)

"I'm Zach I didn't know you were going to get into trouble but I told your mom about you protecting that girl." (Guard Zach)

"You told her I thought you went to the dungeon before I started protecting her."   (Princess)

"No I was the guard with you while you were protecting her. Your parents wanted me to spy on you and lied about the dungeon." (Guard Zach)

"Do you know that child was a guards daughter and he wants me dead or tortured he almost had me killed."  (Princess)

"I had to summon my grandma to help me bring the child back to life until midnight to save myself."   (Princess)

"You should be aware that the magical beings will die if I have not returned willingly and got my powers back by the date of my fifteenth birthday."  (Princess)

"My fifteenth birthday is in three days and when the magical beings die so does all of the animals and land. "  (Princess)

"The humans will die of starvation unless I return willingly in three days and it won't work if I am threatened to return after."  (Princess)

"He would have to release me with no threats or negative behavior, otherwise everything on the planet will not exist anymore."    (Princess)

He walked down the stairs the door was still wide open and I was still chained to the wall. I pulled and pulled trying to free my wrist from the heavy chain that kept me in the room. The guard Zach returned with a chain that would keep my wrists together but not so that I couldn't move them. He told me that it is a shackle chain for the wrists instead of the ankles. He told me that they weren't sure if they would work and were forcing him to try them on me. He put one side on one wrist and then the other wrist and he left. My wrists were shackled together and I was chained to the wall with one wrist. The king must be pure evil to treat a princess the way he is treating me I tried and tried to pull away from the wall but I couldn't. I read my grandmas mind and she appeared she helped me get away from the wall but told me that it was best if she didn't help me with the shackles. I heard voices coming and my grandma disappeared from the room. The king was angry that I didn't leave the room like he thought I would so he shackled my ankles with magical shackles. The magic shackles were made by a dark magic princess who controlled the movement of anyone they were put on. The first thing she made me do was walk three miles to her house on palace grounds. She immediately took the shackles off and brought me down some stairs and told me to go into a room. She told me to get some sleep and that she would return in the morning. She returned in the morning and she took my wrist and pulled me upstairs and told me to sit down at the table. I did what I was told because she scared me she could trap me in a black hole in an instant. She was the most powerful dark magic princess in the entire magical history. She put a plate in front of me and told me to eat. I was afraid that she was going to poison me or something but ate the food. She told me to come to her so I stepped closer to her. I knew that if she was going to kill me she would have done it already. I didn't understand why she was keeping me here but there was definitely a reason. She put a spell on me and she used dark magic to summon chains to come up from the floor. The spell prevented any movement for ten minutes. The huge chain shut on my shoulders and chest preventing me to move my arms away from my body. Another huge chain shut around my hands and waist. A smaller chain shut around my ankles and the chains started to move carrying me away. She used a rag to put a to sleep and when I woke up I still couldn't move. The chains were still there but there was no sign of the dark magic princess. The chains were tight and they started moving again. The chains carried me into a dark magic plastic cell and they disappeared after the door closed. The cell had a bed and a vanity mirror with a hair brush. I knew that I had no way to leave because the cell wouldn't allow it even if I opened the door. I knew she brought me to a new place and she didn't want her to see where so she put me to sleep. I laid down on the bed and fell asleep knowing that she wouldn't return until the next day.

"I knew she was up to something."   (Princess)

The next morning she returned.

"Let me out." (Princess)

"The King told me to lock you away for a couple of days. He was foolish to do that because he will never get you back." (Dark Princess)

"You can't I have to willingly return to my kingdom without any threats in two days or all magical beings will die."    (Princess)

"I know that. I used dark magic to fix that problem you don't need to be in your kingdom you just need your magic." (Dark Princess)

"I told your grandma to return your power for the day." (Dark Princess) 

"I know you're not going to let me leave so what do you want."   (Princess)

"I don't want anything because I already have what I want." (Dark Princess)

The dark magic princess left me in the cell and she left the building. There were tables that moved and came up through the floor to bring me food. I was trapped. I wouldn't be able to leave and if I summoned my grandma she would be locked up too. The dark magic princess returned and put a spell on me. The spell put me into a coma that could only be lifted by her magic. She used magic to bring me somewhere I assumed that it's her house again. I heard the king tell her to lift the spell and return me to him. She lifted her spell and he grabbed me and started to drag me, when she used the chains again. She did the same thing as before and she used a spell on him. He was spelled so he couldn't move and she knocked the both of us out. When I woke up I was in the cell again and he was in another one next to me. He was trying to open the door and escape but I told him that he would not be able to escape even if he got the door open. He continued to try and escape. The dark magic princess returned and saw him trying to escape and she grabbed me and told him to stop. He continued to try and escape she used her magic to tie my hands behind my back. She also used her magic to hold a gun up to me and keep me standing. She was smacking me in the face and I couldn't do anything about it. He continued to try and escape so she put me back into the cell. My hands still tied behind me and the gun still held up to me I was trapped inside the cell again. She released the king and she told him to never return or he would be punished. The dark magic princess created a dark magic castle and turned it into my prison. I was trapped inside a magical castle in the middle of nowhere with fifty foot walls around it.  She came everyday to torture me with her dark magic I was still powerless. I couldn't stop her. One day she came with a person. She tied my hands behind my back with her magic again and she used it to chain my feet to the floor. She left and returned with the person she brought with her. The dark magic princess asked the person if she still wanted to go through with her deal. The person told her she did want to continue. The dark magic princess unchained my ankles and pushed me to the person. The person grabbed one wrist and started shoving me out of the building. The person pulled her hood off and I saw a lovely woman. She shoved me into the back of her van and then the dark magic princess magically tied my ankles together. Then the magic princess magically tied my wrists and ankles together. The lady shut the van doors, and the magic princess magically sealed the doors and got into the front seat. When the van stopped the magic princess undid all except my wrists behind my back. She started shoving me towards a mansion. Once inside the mansion she used her magic shackles on my wrists. She handed a controller to the lady and the lady handed the princess a different girl. The dark magic princess transformed her into what looked like me and told the girl she was going to be a princess. I knew that she had just replaced me but the lady wouldn't let me go anywhere.

"Now I'm going to replace the pictures of your daughter with her in shackles." (Dark Princess)

"Ok. Now child you are to call me master." (Master)

"Yes master." (Princess) 

"Good now follow me you will do as I say and never speak of this." (Master)

"I will replace her memories of her family with your family." (Dark Princess) 

"No don't do that I'll pretend that I've lived here." (Princess)

"Your memory will be replaced end of story" (Dark Princess)

I tried to pull away to run but she had spelled me before I could run. All of my happy family memories were taken from me. The lady brought me to the basement and told one of her servants to take care of me. The servant brought me to a room and she gave me some clothing to put on. She told me that I was going to be a servant the youngest servant to be exact. She also told me that I would show guests around the house and to there rooms. The next day we had some guests for me to show around. They saw one of the pictures and asked me about it. They asked who the little girl in the shackles was. I slipped and told them that it was me. They were shocked they were asking so many questions and I told them that I had to go receive my punishment from the master. They asked punishment for what and I told them it was for saying that I was the girl and master. I ran to the basement and sat in my room waiting for my punishment when a man from earlier came into my room. I told him he had to leave that he wasn't supposed to be in the basement and he was going get me in bigger trouble. He refused to leaveand I was trying to push him out but I wasn't strong enough. The master came in and yelled at me for breaking three rules and started to whip me. The man left the room and came back with a man from child services.

"Leave her alone." (Child serviceman)

"Sit down child I will deal with this later." (Master) 

The master put the dark magic shackles on my wrists and left locking the door behind her. The child service man and the other man tried to pull the shackles off. I told them not to bother because they were made from dark magic. They told me that they were only coming to be a guest to see how the servants were treated. I told them that the pictures of the little girl in shackles was placed there by magic. I also told them that I wasn't supposed to be anywhere near here but in the magical kingdom. I told them I was the magical princess but I was kidnapped a week ago. I told them the king handed me to the dark magic princess and she switched me for the masters daughter. The dark magic princess appeared and she grabbed me and she used her magic chains to send me to the tower. The dark magic princess sent the men to the tower with me and she locked the door with her magic. The dark magic princess removed the shackles and through me against the wall. I was knocked out and the men were scared that they were going to be killed. My grandma felt that I was in trouble and showed up and she helped me out of the tower. The dark magic princess showed up and fought for me, my grandma returned my power and my parents showed up. We destroyed the dark magic princess and I gained the dark magic and became the princess of both magic types. I undid all of her spells and got rid of her evil lair and her house. I returned to the human king and he had me locked up in the dungeon. He didn't realize that I had my magic back. I turned myself invisible and I sent the human king to our dungeon. I returned to my palace and I told the girl who replaced me that she would not be returned to her mother. I told her that she was going to help me rule the magic kingdom instead and that her mother was going to the dungeon. She told me that she would not help rule with her mother in the dungeon. I told her that she could be a servant instead of rotting in the dungeon. She agreed to help rule with her mother as a servant. I told the guards to bring the mother to me.

"What do you want with me you little brat." (Master)

"I would be careful mother she possesses the dark magic now."  (Lily)

"Don't you tell me what to do Lily." (Master)

"Shut up your my prisoner now, I am no longer your prisoner." (Princess)

"I will never do as you say." (Master)

"Lily I am sorry but if she is going to be a servant I'm going to have to use my magic on her." (Princess)

"Your not going to do that you pest." (Master)

"I will do it if your daughter or should I say my adopted sister allows it." (Princess)

"You can't adopt my daughter she's not up for adoption and she would never agree to that." (Master)

"Actually I would mother, I do agree for her to her magic on you." (Lily)

"Go ahead princess I agree for you to spell her." (Lily)

I put a spell on her mother and I sent her to the servant quarters. I told her daughter that I put an obedience spell on her and that it wouldn't affect anything. I showed her to her new bed room and I told her that she would receive some magic lessons in the morning. She told me she had no magic. I told her that she had magical powers because she was my younger sister who was stolen from the hospital. She asked how I knew that and I told her that I had the power to see the past.