Chapter 17

Shreya was sitting in the spacious office buried in document. Things have been slightly hectic lately. With people aiming to ruin the company, Shreya was being extra cautious and checked everything personally.

She looked up from the papers in the front when she heard her phone ring. She was way too distracted to look at the caller id.

"Hello." She said clutching the phone in between her shoulder blades and ears.

"Hey Shreya… this is Charan. Where are you??" Charan asked from the other end.

Shreya's face instantly brightened as she let go of her pen and gave her full attention to the call.

"I am at office. You??" Shreya asked.

"Uhm… Me too. Thought I will pick you up today. But the person at the desk says she doesn't know where your office is!!!" Charan said scratching his head.

"Give me a minute. I will be down." Shreya said and instantly hopped towards the elevator.

She reached the lobby in about 5 minutes time. A big goofy smile spread on her lips as soon as she laid eyes on Charan. He was standing there in the middle of the hall in jeans and formal shirt looking as dashing as ever.

Shreya swiftly went to him. She took his hands in hers and dragged him away while glaring at the person at the desk with an overbearing pout.

Charan looked around. He found it odd. Nobody seemed afraid of Shreya. Rather their faces were slightly mocking and looked at her with disdain.

Once inside the elevator he asked, "Uhm… is my eyes gone wrong or the people here stupid?? Why do I find their stares odd??"

"Oh don't mind them. I dress like this and since my position in the company is top secret, for them I am just a 'crazy niece' leeching off of my uncle while coming here to play all day. And since I find it pretty entertaining, I let them gloat for now." Shreya said shrugging her shoulders.

Then she thought of something and let out an amused laugh.

"Why are you laughing??" Charan asked frowning.

"I just imagined their faces when they will come to know the truth." Shreya said with a crazy glint on her face.

Charan couldn't help but gap at her. He suddenly felt sorry for her employees.

"Anyways why aren't you home yet?? Who is watching Akira??" Shreya asked walking out of the elevator.

"She is at my mum's. She won't be back until Monday. She is having a sleepover with her cousin." Charan informed.

"What?? I won't be able to see her for three days then??" Shreya asked making a long face.

Charan just gapped at Shreya. How come both his daughter and girlfriend are so in sync is beyond him. "You two are behaving like pair of lovers. Akira asked the same thing. I had to bribe her with Dairymilk before she agreed to go. Lots of it mind you." He said dryly rolling his eyes.

"What?? She fell for Dairymilk?? If I were her, I would have extorted Diarymilk and a few dresses to go with it. I need to teach her better." Shreya said making a mental note to talk to Akira.

"Oye… Don't teach her stuffs like that. Convincing her is already tough enough." Charan said scolding her. It's no wonder she is running such a successful big business.

"What?? I am not teaching her anything bad. I am just teaching her not to be taken advantage of." Shreya said nonchalantly. Then her eyes landed on a brightly lit room. She pushed open the door without bothering to excuse.

"Uncle, I better not see your dinner wrapped intact still now." She said loudly as she walked in.

Anand jolted at the voice and then he hurriedly scrambled to reach for the dinner parcel she had delivered an hour ago. He stealthily hid it behind him and looked up at Shreya with a sheepish grin.

"Hahaha… very funny. That trick might have worked on a 12 year old. Sadly for you, I am not." Shreya said sarcastically as she stood in front of him with her hands folding.

Anand hung his head pouting. At that moment he looked like an aggrieved bullied kid. It was actually quite funny to see a grown ass man acting cute in front of his niece to escape being scolded.

Shreya let out a sign seeing his expression.

"Charan, can you wait for me in my office?? It's right next door. I won't be long." She said to Charan and she walked towards Anand.

She took the food from behind him and then took his hands in hers and dragged him to the couch. She opened everything and looked at Anand sternly.

Anand obediently started eat. She stood up and got him some water. Once he was done eating, she got him his tablets. But all this while, she did not utter a single word.

"Shreya," Anand called out. But Shreya did not reply nor did she look at him. She just maintained the cold face.

If anything Anand absolutely hated the silent treatment from Shreya. Her silent treatment was torturously horrible. She will not utter a single word whatsoever and this will go on for days.

Anand immediately panicked when he thought of it. They both had a bond that only they understood. Anand saw his brother in her while she saw her dad in him. So receiving silent treatment from Shreya is especially cruel for Anand.

He quickly brought her into a bear hug and engulfed her in his embrace completely.

"I'm sorry. This won't happen again. I promise." Anand said solemnly.

Shreya softened immediately. For some reason, she could never be mad at Anand no matter what he does.

"You better have your meals on time. Or else I am not going to talk to you at all." Shreya mumbled and returned the hug.

"Okay. You go on. Your friend is waiting for you." Anand said letting her go.

"You go home now. You can deal with this some other time. It's getting late." She said but Anand walked to his desk and continued his work.

"I just have a little more. Once I am done, I will go." He said.

Shreya did not nag anymore. She left for her own office.