Chapter 42

Pritham and Rajesh looked at Shreya confused. Shreya was murmuring something for herself with her eyes stuck to the floors.

"Shreya…" Pritham called out trying to get her attention.

Finally, Shreya looked up and focused on her surroundings. She realized then only that she had actually reached her office.

"Sorry… I had something in my head. Anyways, what is up?? Why did you guys call me here??" Shreya asked sitting on her chair with her legs crossed as usual.

Pritham extended some files towards Shreya. Shreya took the files with a questioning look.

"Surveillance photos and background on the chairperson of S corp. You asked us to put a tail on him a while back remember?? I just got something." Rajesh explained.

Shreya opened the folders and looked at all the information intently. Pritham kept shaking his legs out of habit making an annoying noise in that quiet room as his shoe's heels kept tapping on the floor. But Shreya did not bother looking up from the files in front of her. When she concentrated on something nothing entered her senses but on the other hand, Rajesh frowned irritated at Pritham but still did not say anything after all he did not know any of them for that long even though somehow they seem to like him and slightly trust him even.

After finishing going over all the files, Shreya, at last, looked up at them. She could say that Priitham was dying to say something. All it took is a look from her and words stumbled out of his mouth as he explained in detail how he obtained all this information spending all his precious sweat and blood.

Shreya patiently listened without interrupting but midway Rajesh lost his patience and said, "Bottom line is the person who was helping S corp. is Malini, Abimanyu's only daughter and when we tried to gather info on her we were met with a thick wall of resistance." Rajesh said concisely converting Pritham's half an hour of ranting into two simple lines rolling his eyes.

Pritham gave him a dirty look while Shreya let out a small laugh.

"It's okay. You don't have to worry about Malini. I will take care of it." Shreya said vaguely.

"Shreya don't underestimate her. She is known to be extremely cold and ruthless. And we don't know how she knew, but she seemed to be the one who originally suspected that there is a person above Anand uncle. So we need a plan to eliminate her or else all the plan will go into the gutter. What if Abimanyu finds out about you?? What if he comes after you as he came after your parents??" Pritham said anxiously. He was so preoccupied that he did not even realize he was talking everything in front of Rajesh.

Shreya gave him a glare with an exasperated sigh. She might have agreed to work with Rajesh but she still has a long way to go if she has to come to trust him. That is why she only told him information regarding S corp but not anything pertaining to her own parents or anything else. But because of this blabbermouth, that shit went down the gutter.

"I said I will take care of it Pritham," Shreya said dismissingly raising her voice pissed. She can't really blame Pritham after all she was the one who babied him from the start. But sometimes he was way too oblivious for his own good. But thankfully Rajesh was different. He could see he did not belong in the conversation and stealthily diverted the topic.

"What do you need me to do now??" Rajesh asked Shreya.

"Just keep an eye on the Chairman. I do not want any backlashes from his end. He will be dying to retaliate. After all, we just like that took over a company he built for all his life. Anyways you can go now." Shreya dismissed him and then she looked at Pritham and glared.

Obviously, Pritham did not understand why he was being shot with arrows all of a sudden. After all, he was in high spirits for finding out about Malini. It had not been easy to find that she was the one helping S corp so long. She had been extremely cautious not to expose herself. So he was really looking forward to being praised but when he was met with her glare, he was in a complete loss.

"You and your mouth Pritham, seriously??" Shreya said shaking her head.

"What did I do??" Pritham asked and blinked.

Shreya gestured him to come near her but Pritham being the scaredy-cat he was instead backed away from her.

"It's okay, you tell me from there itself." He hurriedly said getting ready to make a run for the doors.

Shreya just gave him a look and gestured once again to come near her. Pritham gulped but went near her anyways cautiously. Shreya smacked him lightly on the back of his head and lectured, "Idiot, don't you know what to say and not to say in front of outsiders?"

That's when he recalled what he had said in front of Rajesh just then.

"Oh… Sorry. I did not realize." Pritham said giving her a sheepish look.

Shreya just rolled her eyes.

"But it is also your fault," Pritham said self-righteously pointing a finger at Shreya.

"How is that??" Shreya asked arching her brows.

"Because you keep hitting me in my head so hard ALL the time that my brain is not working properly anymore," Pritham said childishly with an aggrieved face giving special emphasis to 'all'.

"…" Shreya just gapped at his shamelessness. If someone outside heard him and saw that face, they are going to think that she was being physically abusive towards him.

Shreya just shook her head and gestured him to get lost.

Pritham did not need to be said twice. He made a beeline to the doors in a hurry and of course, crashed into Akash head-on.

"WTH," Akash exclaimed rubbing the head where they just bumped. But Pritham did not stop.

"What's wrong with him?" Akash asked puzzled.

"Don't mind him. What did you want??" Shreya asked instead.

Akash too gave her some files. It was the detailed plan of what S corp was planning for. If they had delayed taking over even a bit, they would have been completely screwed.

Shreya glanced through it and then gave Akash the photos of Malini. Akash immediately understood what was happening.

"Ah… No wonder the plan was so detailed and ruthless." Akash commented.

Shreya discussed some business with Akash for a while there and then both went their own ways.

Shreya went home of course while Akash went to S corp. to do some follow-ups.