Chapter 49

Shreya was sitting at her office immersed in her work when suddenly someone barged into her office. She looked up only to find a completely haggard Pritham on sight. He looked as if he needed a long shower and some food and sleep ASAP.

"What happened to you??" Shreya asked frowning at his appearance. Pritham was one who was very particular about his physical appearance. His hair was always prim and proper while his clothes were always pressed to perfection. On top of it, he was a neat freak.

Pritham did not reply but instead flopped on her couch and ran his hands over his hair. Then he started talking in an extremely irritated voice, "I tried to hack into Abimanyu's company… you know with Malini involvement with S corp. I just wanted to make sure he was not doing anything sneaky behind our backs."

"And??" Shreya asked when he paused.

"I got caught. They couldn't backtrack me but they were still skilled enough to stop me on my track. So it's going to be hard to get to them now. They up-ed their security all over again. Sorry." Pritham said hanging his heads down.

"Don't worry. Abimanyu wouldn't have anything useful to us on his company server anyways. And on top of it, it was probably Malini who stopped you. She majored both in business and coding. And she is the one who is running the company now. Abimanyu is not involved with the company for a while now. Whatever he is doing, we are not going to find it on their servers anyways." Shreya consoled him. But what she said was also the absolute truth.

But Pritham's spirit was still down. After all, one thing he was good at was this and he failed even in that too.

"Oye… Pritham. Don't beat yourself over this too much. Go home, get some sleep now." Shreya said sternly seeing his expression.

Pritham slumped and walked out dejected. But he also swore he was not going to give up just yet.

Just as he walked out of the office, his phone dinged.

He got a mail in one of his dummy accounts.

It read "Hi there. Better luck next time."

Instinctively Pritham knew it was most probably Malini. He did not even know how he knew it. He just had a gut feeling. He went back to his office and worked with more vigor.


The day went on without any intrusion for Shreya after that. Of course, that was until Charan walked into her office to pick her up for the day.

Shreya was just about wrapping up her work when Charan walked in through her office doors.

"Just give me a few minutes. We can go out after that." Shreya said and picked up the files and started arranging them in order.

Charan did not sit down as he usually does. But instead looked behind Shreya at the huge painting hanging behind her head. It did not make any damn sense. It was just a splash of colors. It was just a combination of red, orange and yellow on a white canvas. But even then it looked mesmerizing somehow.

In that huge wall, the painting fits right in. At least aesthetically, it looked extremely good.

"Who painted this one?" Charan enquired curiously.

"I have no idea. We, all the people in our family are what you call artistic- handicaps." Shreya commented without really looking away from her work.

"Then who bought this??" Charan asked. He had not seen any painting except for this in any of the offices on this floor that included the conference room, Anand and Akash office. Nor did he see any painting in her house which was odd given how big the house was.

The office building itself had some here and there though but Charan figured they were probably done by the interior designers. So this one painting just struck him as odd.

"Oh, this one. I don't know… Probably my dad. He has a weird habit of buying some things out of the blue. And since this used to be his office I am almost certain this was his handy work." Shreya replied nonchalantly. Her hands, at last, stopped moving. She picked her phone and started walking out of the office.

When she saw that Charan was still seeing at the painting weirdly, she called out to him," Charan come on. Let's go. Akira is going to be waiting."

Charan shook his head and averted his eyes away from the painting at last. He never really took the time or the effort to see the painting before, after all whenever he came, Shreya was almost always in the room and there was no way he is seeing anything other than her. But somehow today this painting just caught his eyes. And it had a weird effect on him… it was almost hypnotic or something. He did not know how to describe it. He just found it hard to take his eyes off of it.

"Your dad has a good taste," Charan commented as he followed Shreya out. Even he was no expert in art but he also knew art is not about what you see but what it makes you feel.

Shreya just shrugged at his comment.

"Like I said I have no idea about art or anything artistic. So I can't really agree or disagree. I was just too lazy to change anything in this office so I let everything be just the way it was when I took over." Shreya said distractedly.

Shreya still remembered the first time she walked into the office after losing her dad. She ended up seeing Adithya at every corner of the room. It was so painful that she almost ran away from this place. But still, she couldn't bring herself to change anything here. Because she knew the kinda effort her dad made selecting each and everything in this office. So with great effort, she sucked it up and started drowning herself with work behind the same desk as her dad.

Working somehow made her feel closer to him.

Charan could see something not so happy pass through her face. He just put his arms around her shoulders and guided her out of the building.