Chapter 72

Charan stood there in front of the awfully intimidating mansion with sweaty palms. He was building up the courage to actually go up and ring the bell. But it was not easy.

The mansion was huge. At least three stories building built on what he assumed are at least a few acres of land. There were trees all around and an awfully neat garden that was maintained to be prim and proper. At last, he got to know how filthy rich she actually was. Compared to this, Shreya's own apartment looked like a freaking matchbox. And that was saying something given he felt that apartment is itself big enough.

He stood there awkwardly in his formal shirt and jean looking so thoroughly out of place.

He made sure he looked presentable for the nth time. He then looked at his watch to make sure he was on time and then reached out for the bell. But before he could even ring the bell, the doors flung open and Shreya dashed towards him with an extremely exciting smile dancing on her face. And before Charan could even register what was happening, she hurled herself on him and wrapped her arms and legs around him tightly. She crashed on him with such force that she almost toppled them both. Instinctually he wrapped his arm around her and steadied the both of them. She was practically hanging on to his like a monkey with her hands tightly wrapped around his neck and her face completely buried over his shoulders.

When he came back to his senses, he gathered her in his arms and hugged her with the same intensity. He poured all his nervousness, worries and insecurities into the hug. He took deep breaths and smelled in on her scent which calmed him down considerably. They just stood there like that for what felt like hours.

But then eventually Shreya loosened her grip on his neck and pulled away to see his face.

"Gosh! I missed you so much…" She said dramatically while still being hoisted on his hips.

Charan's lips curved into a magical smile when he heard her. He pecked her on her lips and chuckled slightly. All his worry, insecurities, and nervousness vanished into thin air the minute he had her in his arms.

"Why are you laughing??" Shreya asked frowning.

"Nothing… it is just. If someone saw you, they are going to think we have been apart for years or something when in actuality it was just a couple of days." He explained tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Let them think whatever they want. I missed you like crazy and that is all I know. And you are my boyfriend, so I can miss you as much as I want. And they have no right to question me," She said shrugging her shoulders. She then leaned in and bit on his ears harshly as she always did whenever she felt possessive over Charan making him wince in pain. Thankfully she did not bite him on his cheeks as usual. Now that would have been extremely awkward to explain to her aunt and uncle.

When Charan looked up at her for an explanation for being eaten, she just gave him a sparkling proud smile and kissed the same spot. He just chuckled resigned.

But then right that instance, something dawn on him suddenly and a frowned formed on his face.

"You… You don't talk to me!! I am not going to talk to you!!" He suddenly said pouting and looking away from her. He sounded comically angry. However, he still had his arms securely wrapped around her holding her in his torsos safely. It was almost like, even in anger, he couldn't bear to keep away from her.

"What did I do??" Shreya asked confused.

"You… You called me so early in the morning waking me up and asked me for dinner and fell asleep!! And on top of it, you absconded for the whole day!! You have any idea how nervous I was!!??" He confessed glaring at her. But it was still comical since he actually looked more like a kid whining for candy than an actual angry adult.

Shreya's eyes softened when she heard him and guilt crept in.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just… I was called in for work all of a sudden and never realized. I am really sorry…" Shreya apologized repeatedly looking worried. Her face lost all the excitement she just had a few minutes ago.

She could easily relate to his state of mind. After all, she also went through them. But for her, he had been there with her along with her aunt and even then she was barely holding on. So she couldn't even start to imagine how he had coped.

Charan, on the other hand, couldn't bear to see her fallen face. So he just kissed her on the cheeks and said, "It's okay…"

But before Shreya could react, they heard someone clear their throats from behind them. When Charan followed the noise, he was met with Anand and a middle-aged lady who he guesses is Shreya's aunt- Bhagya. He immediately let go of Shreya but made sure she was standing properly before taking his hands away from her.

He then looked at them awkwardly. A slight blush itched on his cheeks. Talk about a bad first impression. He stood there fidgeting with his hands nervously. But Shreya just grabbing his hands and dragged him towards his uncle and aunt in confident strides with a big fat grin playing on her face as if they were not just got caught doing PDA in front of elders.

"Uncle… aunt… This is Charan. And Charan this is my uncle and aunt." Shreya made the introductions.

Charan politely said, "Hello…" He could feel the daggers being thrown at him from Anand. So he just looked down avoiding his eyes after his greeting.

No matter what, Shreya was his niece and his princess. So he was not exactly pleased having someone else's hands all over her. Maybe it was his protective instincts speaking or maybe his ego. He just did not like it.

"Let's go in…" Bhagya said clearing his throats and forcefully dragged her husband with her.

Shreya acted oblivious to her uncle's angry stares. When she was about to drag him inside like her aunt, Charan pulled on her arm and asked in a whisper, "Are you sure your uncle is not going to murder me and dispose of the body in the property??"

His voice was meek and completely serious.

"Don't worry, I know how to catch my uncle's bullets!!" Shreya said and dragged him in.

Charan felt defeated and let her drag him with her. But the warmth in her small hands gave some confidence.