Chapter 98

Shreya's stomach hurt but she ignored them. Prasanna, on the other hand, did not take her seriously… at least not until he got punched on his gut.

That is when things got serious. Shreya was defensive while Prasanna was using brute force. He was on a mission and he had to get it done. He was just supposed to bash her around a bit. But because she seemed to return the favor, he had no other option but to fight back. But his alcohol and his big frame slowed him down while Shreya's small frame and agile moves easily avoided his attacks while sneaking in punches of herself. Out of frustration, Prasanna reached out for the bottle of booze and broke it into half and aimed it to her gut.

Shreya moved away at the last second avoiding any major damages but it still left a deep gash on the left side of her hip.