Chapter 120

The night was still young and the roads were jammed. Horns were blaring all over the place. But inside the car… there was absolute silence. Except for the noise of the air conditioners, there was pin-drop silence.

Adam had a focused expression on his face as he drove through the busy roads while Preethi sat beside him in the passenger seat quietly deep in thoughts. What Charan said this afternoon kept repeating on her head. But she was nowhere near finding her answers in her head. She knows that she is going to have to talk to Adam about it but then she did not know where to start or what to say.

"Something on your mind??" Adam asked, at last, breaking the silence.

Preethi did not reply. She did not even acknowledge the question. She just stayed quiet and pursed her lips.

"You okay there??" Adam asked again when she didn't answer.

Preethi nodded this time and said, "Yes… everything is fine…"