Chapter 145

"After that, I searched for the evidence everywhere but couldn't find it. So I figured, it was with him at the time of the accident and the evidence was the reason my mother was kidnapped." Shreya said pursing her lips.

Charan stayed quiet as he listened. He did not know how to react to any of it. This all felt like it was out of some action movie or something.

"First things first, I strengthened our powers. My dad was just a businessman. He did not have any network or an army for himself. SO I had to build one for myself from scratch. I placed my own people in every nook and cranny of the country and made an information system for myself. It took me a better part of 2 years just to set everything up. I knew I couldn't be sloppy or else I would end up like my dad. So I made sure we had very strong forces to back us up before I made the move."