150 Teeny tiny petty shop

Shreya rubbed her hands behind his back trying to calm him down. After a few minutes, she pulled away and told him solemnly, "Charan, I know you are scared for me. But please trust me. I know what I am doing. Nothing will happen to me. I promise." She then looked at Hank and said, "Keep him safe!"

Shreya slipped out of his grips before he could have the chance to stop her again. Both the men were left to stare at her retreating figure feeling helpless.

Hank then guided Charan further into the field away from the road and Shreya. If they can't hide now, all the effort Shreya put in will be waste in the end. So for now, Hank decided to follow her orders.

Anyways with Shreya's skills, she will be able to hold them off for quite some time but if Charan was put into harm's way, she will lose her rational and that could be dangerous.