161 Back with her old habits.

Shreya sat in her office staring at nothing in particular. She was back with her old habits all over again. She stayed up late and worked more than necessary and lounged at her office the whole day except on weekends. And even on weekends she almost always ended up at her hotel rather than her apartment.

She started taking up more responsibility in the office. Since she no longer needed to hide behind the farce of being depressed, she started showing off her true power. She was not exactly excessive about it but she did not deliberately hide it anymore like she had been doing so far. But then again her long time reputation of lazy bum within the company is yet to be rectified. She did not like the limelight and being in the center of the stage. So till that time that she is going to be forced to take up that stage, she did not want to let go of being the person behind the scenes just yet.