166. I can buy it for her...

The dinner table was lively as ever. After a nap, Bhavna was on a high spirit. She was taking on Akash and Pritham, both at once. She behaved almost as if she was on a sugar rush or something.

"I heard you made Madhu cry buckets?? And I heard Zee knocked you unconscious in video game??" Bhavna's high pitch voice rang through the table.

The guys face paled instantly while Shreya and Madhu had an amused smile dancing on their faces.

You should know, Bhavna is the Queen of gossip. She cannot contain her curiosity. And more so, she cannot keep her mouth shut. So if she gets to know something, it was similar to broadcasting in the flash news.

"Don't worry about it. He begged afterward!" Madhu pitched in with a smirk.

Of course, Bhavna already knew it. After all, she had faked tears countless times with Akash to get things done her way.