176. He is not my buddy...

Shreya woke up with a start all over again and wiped away the cold sweat dripping over her forehead. It had been happening for a while now. She could barely sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time unless of course she was dead tired. The nightmare was similar to that of last time with her parents… the only difference was that this time around, Charan and Akira were part of the dream. And of course, there was also the problem where this time around there was no Charan to lull her back to sleep which he did diligently for a whole week mind you before she could sleep normally.

Since there as no such luck this time around, she got out of bed and went straight to the bar. She poured herself a really strong bourbon and went and settled herself on the couch and switched on the T.V. She just switched to some random channel and let her mind go blank while sipping on her whiskey.