Oh, he is the idiot?

Adam got down from the car and signaled the guys wordlessly. Even though the road was deserted and the guy seems to be alone seeing as nobody came to his rescue when they cornered him, he still did not want to take unnecessary risks. So, two people stood guard on the perimeter to make sure nobody comes to interrupt while two others dragged the guy in the car out. Of course, one stood guard beside Preethi's door.

Adam gave the guy a once over but did not recognize him from anywhere. And they had already done extensive research on their enemies and they already knew almost all of their associates by now. And this was not someone he recognized from any of that list.

The guy himself seemed well dressed and well-groomed. He was dress casually with a jean and formal shirt. Even if he was dressed as such in order to blend in, he was still unarmed. So Adam frowned in confusion. Something did not add up but he did not devel on it long.