I am not being polite.

One should know that Shreya only let 8 people to be directly involved in things that pertain to her parent's case. And these were people she absolutely trusted and that trust was built through years of involvement. Initially, it was only she Akash and Adam who were involved in the actual investigation. She brought in others slowly after knowing them for years. And Srinivas had been with her for only a matter of months.

Everyone knew that Shreya trusted him. There were dozen other people like that including Andrew, Vicky, Ayush, Nakul… she entrusted these people to protect her family and friends. But even them… they primarily only follow orders. They know nothing about what was actually happening. Even though they could have probably guessed for most parts of what was happening from the bits and pieces they hear. But still, it will be limited to knowing that Shreya was investigating into her parent's death nothing more.