I can drive...

Just as Shreya walked out of her office, she heard footsteps following her.

"I can drive myself, Srinivas…" Shreya muttered without turning back. His footsteps were familiar to her by now. She could distinguish them from other very easily.

Zack's were always quick and fleeting as if he was barely touching the floor. Srinivas's, on the other hand, were actually lazy. As if he was talking a leisure stroll in the corridor no matter where he was walking.

But Srinivas did not stop even after hearing her. He did not even bother to acknowledge that he had heard her. He just pushed the elevator buttons and waited, standing beside her.

"I can drive…" Shreya said all over again once she entered the elevator.

Srinivas did not budge but this time around, he actually bothered to answer, "I know, Shreya… I have seen you drive." He said pressing the elevator to the parking garage.