You work for me, Srinivas.

When Shreya walked out of the café, she found Srinivas waiting at the door sipping a coffee of his own leaning against the wall. She knew he had been in the café keeping an eye on things.

Shreya came and stood beside him leaning on the walls just like he was. She could feel her mind going numb. It was almost like her brain was lulling to sleep or something. She could not even remember what she was planning on doing next.

Srinivas asked, "Are you done..?" once he was done with his coffee.

Shreya just nodded her head without opening her mouth absentmindedly.

Srinivas kept his palm on top of her head tousled her head and asked softly, "Are you okay?" She did not seem her normal self. And he was not talking about the dark circles either. After all, Shreya had those more often than not. But there was something else different about her now.

She looked out of focus somehow. As if she was here but not exactly here.