Shreya, what did you do?

By the time all the inquiry came to an end, Srinivas had already stopped the car in front of the Sri corp.

Before Shreya could get down, Srinivas -alights the car and opened it for her.

"Thanks," Shreya said but before walking away, she turned towards Srinivas and said suddenly remembering something.

"Oh, yea… just a head up. Zee is going to be really angry with you. She might come to beat you up! Depending on how angry she is, you will get to know how much success you have had so far with her. If you get beat up, you can consider you have achieved a passing mark!" Shreya said with a mischievous glint on her face and walking away without explaining anything further.

Srinivas gapped at her back for a second before stuffing the car keys to one of the valets there and followed Shreya hurried.

"Shreya, what did you do?" Srinivas yelled behind her to gain her attention.