So, you better behave…

Naren's eyes widened when he realized that he had walked straight into the pit she had dug for him.

"You… You did that on purpose…" He flared up once again. But this time around, Srinivas came to stand between him and Shreya like a damn China wall with a dead serious face.

Naren couldn't digest this humiliation. It was something he was planning on… that was the whole reason why he brought up her parents in the first place. He wanted to rile her up and watch her make a fool of herself. But Shreya beat him in his own game.

"You figured that out just now?" Shreya asked mockingly.

But before he could continue, he felt a presence behind him. When he turned to look, he found Abimanyu and Abishek standing beside him. Abimanyu's eyes were telling him to better behave.