Ungrateful brat.

Shreya actually came back into the private room and sat back on the chairs. She leaned back on her chair and tapped the hand rest with the tip of her fingers.

Srinivas went and sat in front of her after a while seeing as she was not planning to go anywhere anytime soon. But it went on like this for almost an hour.

At last, Srinivas broke the silence and asked, "Care to share what you are thinking about so deeply?"

To his surprise or not so surprisingly, Shreya actually did not answer. She did not even move a muscle. Her eyes did not even twitch. It was almost like she did not even hear him in the first place. But knowing Shreya, it probably was true. She was probably so drowned in her thoughts that she did not even hear him in the first place.

Srinivas waited some more and then went out of the room and came back with two cups of coffee. For convenience, he actually brought it in a closed plastic cups and shoved on right in front of Shreya's eyes.