You have no idea how much I missed you…

Preethi was getting really pissed at that moment. So much so that she wanted to bite him or something until she could wipe out that gloating smile off of his face.

Only she knew how much disappointed she felt every single day when she came out of her work… she couldn't help herself but hope that Adam will be there in spite of knowing it was not going to be so.

In the past months, she had really gotten used to seeing him outside of her work. No matter in what ungodly hours her shift ended, he would just be there… patiently waiting for her. Somehow, seeing him just made everything okay.

And after getting used to that, she couldn't survive these past two weeks. And it invariably affected her sleep too. Normally, she could crash and get up whenever or wherever. But she couldn't sleep peacefully even in bed in these two weeks which affected her mood largely.